While rarely required under the terms of the Tenancy Agreement (with the exception of the
diplomatic break clause), in the event of a premature lease termination, you might consider
stating the reasonwhy early notice isbeingservedand youwant toexercise yourbreakclause.
Oftenanysympathy thatmight be generated even in this initial conversationmayprove helpful
when trying to negotiate any potential reinstatement decoration work, which might be required by
the landlord.
Findinga replacementtenantprepared topay thesameormarketpriceand takeoveryourunit
isoftenapossibility,butall of this issubject tomutual agreement byall theparties.Consult your
Destination Consultant for suggestions on how to best go about this.
Termination of your Agreement
Upon termination of your lease agreement clearly outline when you are expecting to deliver
“vacantpossession”ofthepremisestothe landlord,i.e.when youwillbephysicallyvacatingthe
property and passing the keys
back.Wealso suggest you have a pre-marching out inspection to
establishanypossiblereinstatementcostswhich the landlordmayfeeltobe
toyouraccount.Ingoing down this route, you might be able to negotiate with more leverage and possibly choose
to have the mutually agreed work completed less expensively by your own handyman. If your
property is under Corporate Property Management with Brookfield Relocation your dedicated
Tenancy Management executive will contact you to walk you through this process.
Please note thata“pre-marchingout”inspection is typically required by the landlordbefore the
official handing back of the premises. It usually requires about 30minutes towalk-through the
premises with the Landlord to identify if there is any reinstatement work he is expecting to be to
your account -(thatis over andabovewhat isexcepted under your“fair wear and tear”provision
typically provided for in your lease agreement).
Wewould like topointoutanumber of typical defects found in thepre-marchingout inspection
and hand-back often required by landlords and will need to be individually negotiated:
Remove pictures, hooks, nails and touch up the affected areas.
Remove additionally installed curtain and curtain rails, and make good the holes with plaster
Dismantle any additionally installed fixtures and fittings and reinstate the ceiling light fixtures
with light bulbs.
Dismantle all visible wiring and telephone sockets installed by the tenant.
Carry out a general cleaning to the property before you leave.
Clear any remaining food in the fridge and dispose of any garbage in the property, like carton boxes.
A written acknowledgement by the landlord that the property has been returned in an
acceptable condition avoids disputes over defects, which may subsequently be found later.