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Newsletter                23              January 2016

Many Faces of Israel - Excursion

Norton Museum, Downtown West Palm Beach

Thursday, January 14


Many Faces of Israel - FilmSeries

Ma’aleh School of TV, Film and the Arts is the only film school in the world devoted to exploring the

intersection of Orthodox Judaism and modern life.


2003, Yitzik Sverdlov, director (18 minutes) The warm relationship

between Mendel, an elderly Holocaust survivor, and his Filipino caretaker, Jose, is

tested when Jose does not have a work permit and the police begin searching the

neighborhood for illegal foreign workers.


, 2001, Laizy Shapira, director (21 minutes) Eicha is a young religious girl

living on a settlement. Her unusual name, Eicha, is the Hebrew title of the Biblical

scroll of Lamentations, read once a year on the 9th of Av to commemorate the

destruction of the Temple 2000 years ago. On reaching her 18th birthday, Eicha

decides to formally change her name and try and establish a new identity, but the

process turns out to be more complicated than she expect.

The Orthodox Way

, 2003, Ilan Eshkoli, director (25 minutes) Eli, who is single,

goes out on a blind date to please his aunt. But everything that could possibly

go wrong, does, and Eli and his date spend a bizarre evening driving around the

streets of Jerusalem. A romantic comedy about dating the orthodox way.

4:30 p.m.

Departure Frenchman's Creek

6:30 p.m.

Film Series and MuseumTour

8:30 p.m.

Return to Frenchman’s Creek

Frenchman’s Creek Excursions

Art Classes with Rita Boutros

New Dates are avilable! Classes are held onTuesdays from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. in the Sports Bar.

Each class runs on 4 consecutive Tuesdays from January 5


until January 26




All levels. Instruction tailored to individual needs of student. Painters working in oil or acrylic learn

composition, color theory and handling of their medium. In addition, students will be encouraged to

develop creativity in subject matter and approach. Critiques offered.

Please register with the Food & Beverage Office at (561) 273-2648.