Newsletter 25 January 2016
SONER Cagaptay, The Washington Institute
On Tuesday, January 12
, the scheduled speaker, Michael Singh of the Washington
Institute on Near East Policy, has an unavoidable family commitment that day and will not
be able to join us.
Instead, the Speaker will be Soner Cagaptay, the Institutes's leading scholar on Turkey. .
Given Turkey's key role in today's particularly turbulent Middle East, we assure you that
his presentation will be most interesting and informative. We are planning to reschedule
Mr. Singh's presentation in April or next season.
Mr. Cagaptay wrote hisYale doctoral thesis on Turkish nationalism. He has taught atYale,
Princeton, Georgetown and Smith. He appears often on television news shows and writes
regularly for scholarly journals andmajor print media. His most recent book, "The Rise ofTurkey" was published
in 2014 and is a fascinating read.
Dr. Toby Cosgrove,
President and CEO of the Cleveland Clinic
On Wednesday, February 10
, we will hear from Dr. Toby Cosgrove, the President and CEO of the Cleveland
Clinic. Prior to being appointed CEO, Dr. Cosgrove chaired the Department of Thoracic
and Cardiovascular surgery, and played a major role in leading the clinic to its worldwide
prominence in the field of cardiac care.
The clinic is one of themost importantmedical institutions in theUnitedStates and is at the
forefront of the dramatic and rapid changes that are taking place in the delivery of health
care. He will speak about the numerous challenges and opportunities presented by these
developments, such as their effect on patients, doctors, other health care professionals,
and quality of care.
Health care is the fastest growing sector of our economy, has a significant financial impact
on the nation and affects our lives and those of our children and grandchildren more than, perhaps, any other
industry.Weare extremely fortunate that Dr. Cosgrove, a visionary leader in this sector, has agreed to speak to
us about this subject.
Additonal Speakers include:
Dr. Ann Kirschner, Dean of the Macauley Honors College at the City University of NewYork - Friday, March 18
Jane Harman, Fmr. Congresswoman fromCalifornia - Date to be announced
All programs will begin promptly at 8:00 p.m. in the Main Dining Room.
Educational Lecture Series