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welding technology. In developing relationships with IIW members

even further, the application of friction stir welding in China was

strengthened through an agreement between BAMTRI and TWI to

establish a Friction Stir Welding Centre in 2002.


From that point

on China was to utilise friction stir welding in aerospace applications

including the manufacture of airline storage panel components and

carrier rocket storage tanks.

In the main, fundamental research into the welding of

new materials and joining of composites for the aerospace

industry is undertaken by specialist research organisations

throughout the world such as TWI and BAMTRI, many

of which are directly or indirectly associated with IIW

Working Units. Appropriately, global industry demands and

new developments in the aviation industry have necessitated re-activation of the previous

Select Committee


(SC-AIR), to cover permanent joints in new materials and coatings

for aircraft engineering under the chairmanship of Prof. Shuili Gong (China).

The work of this committee covers the latest joining technologies

for new aircraft and the research needs of the aviation and aerospace

industries where IIW’s expertise and international networking capabilities

can effectively be utilised, in particular in the areas of solid state welding,

power beam processes, behaviour of materials, new welding filler metals for

aircraft structures and engine components, and the use of advanced NDT of

aircraft joints and adhesive-based repair joints. Again it will be the use of

innovative welding processes such as electron beam and laser beam welding

and other developments that will lead the way in the quest for man to explore

the outer regions of space and the universe.

Critical infrastructure is also inclusive of road and rail

transport, so important in the transfer of materials, goods, other

resources and people within a country, or between countries.

This includes construction and maintenance of roads, building of

bridges, viaducts, canals and other crucial structures to overcome

natural geographical barriers. With respect to improvements to road

transport, including heavy vehicles, one of IIW’s Select Committees


Automotive and Road Transport

(SC-AUTO), has played a

strategic role in leading discussions on the application

of new technologies and materials concerning joining

in the automotive industry in order to improve vehicle

safety while, at the same time, decreasing vehicle

Michael Rethmeier

Ernest Levert