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n a time of change the main issues of the day were the formid­

able challenges that lay ahead as IIW moved towards a new millennium. In 1996 Prof.

Yuzuru Fujita (Japan) became the first President to be elected from an Asian country while

Mr John Hicks remained on the Executive Council through his new role as the Honorary

Secretary General. Hicks was also entrusted with additional duties as IIW’s Standardisation

Officer. He presumed that this was because Mr Michel Bramat would not only have the

duties of Secretary General to contend with but would also have a substantially expanded

Secretariat to administer.


The standardisation role, therefore, was a suitable one for Bramat

to pass on to Hicks, who was now employed directly by the French Institut de Soudure.

No longer responsible for finance, Hicks informed

the Executive Council that the accounts for the year

ending December 1995 had been prepared entirely

by the auditors.


These accounts were subsequently

returned to the auditors for re-evaluation since the

figure for bad debts was considered to be too low. This

made a substantial difference to the finances of IIW

and Dr Giulio Costa (Italy), accordingly, as Treasurer

at that time, was to inform the Executive Council

that the financial situation of IIW for 1995 had

deteriorated significantly and that the result was

a deficit of over CHF 100 000, the highest deficit

that IIW had ever had.


This was due in part to the restructuring costs in merging the two Secretariats, which

amounted to CHF 48 000 in total. The rest was due to non-payment of membership fees

that generally formed around half to two-thirds of IIW’s annual income. The question of

outstanding fees was a vexatious problem for IIW and had been for many years. Dr Norman

Eaton (Canada), Treasurer of IIW before becoming President in 1990, had spent some

time in analysing the financial threats to IIW during the late 1980s. He then presented his

strategy for future financial planning and control of operations at a meeting of the Executive


Yuzuru Fujita