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provide opportunities for global recognition to their professional and welding personnel.

Without question, the IAB’s education, training, qualification and certification scheme was

the ‘jewel in the crown’ as far as IIW was concerned. It had grown at an unprecedented rate

and this growth had extended to a network consisting of 35 active and interested countries

over the scheme’s first five years.


Like Braithwaite, who stabilised IIW’s financial situation, Smallbone’s efforts on

regional activities and input into the qualification and certification scheme were instrumental

in him being elected as IIW’s next President following Pekkari’s successful presidential

term that ended in 2005. Smallbone epitomised the essential difference between leadership

and management – vision. In many ways his appointment was to herald a new dawn for

IIW and with it a different way of thinking that would test the more conservative values

of the past. Some of the initiatives, indeed, consisted of new values, including proposals

to ‘improve the global quality of life by the optimum use of welding technology


and a

guiding vision through the TMB to ‘identify and develop and create world best practices’.


Both these missives were to underline a major change in the way that IIW was

about to see itself in a world that was now becoming a place where the social, political

and the scientific landscape would move faster than it had ever done before. Philosophical

meandering had no place in this new order. It was a time for pragmatism, professionalism

and a continual process of renewal to keep IIW relevant. It was a world that presumed a new

consensus, a shared agenda and a global partnership to achieve its objectives.



 1. Hicks, John – Communication – 23 July 2016.

 2. Minutes, Executive Council – Budapest, Hungary – 3/4 June 1996– S-27-96.

 3. Minutes, Governing Council – Budapest, Hungary – 1 September 1996– S-44-96.

 4. Eaton, Norman – Memorandum – IIW Treasurer – Interim Review of IIW Finances

– January 1985.

 5. Minutes, Executive Council – Item 14 Revised Budget – Budapest, Hungary – 3/4

June 1996 – S-16-96.

 6. Minutes, Board of Directors – ‘IIW Secretariat Restructuring Costs’– Villepinte,

France – 19 January 1997 – S-15-97.

 7. ‘Obituary Mr Bevin Braithwaite’,

The Guardian

(UK) – 27 May 2008.

 8. Minutes, Board of Directors – San Francisco, USA – 11 April 1997 – S-34-97.

 9. Minutes, Board of Directors – San Francisco, USA – 12 July 1997 – S-74-97.

10. Minutes, General Assembly – ‘Treasurers Report’ – San Francisco, USA – 13 July

1997 – S-89-97.

11. Minutes, General Assembly – ‘Treasurers Report’ – Lisbon, Portugal – 18 July

1999 – S-70-99.

12. Minutes, Board of Directors – ‘IIW Financial Statement for the Year Ending 31

December 1997’ – Hamburg, Germany – S-69-98.

13. ibid. p. 10.