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approval by the Assembly but as some countries didn’t agree so the

President decided to postpone the decision – that was a pity. It is

almost impossible to get 100% of the votes.’


It now fell on the shoulders of Dr Baldev Raj (India) to take

over the duties of IIW President for the subsequent three-year

period from 2011-2014, while Dilthey assumed the duties of

the Chair of the IAB. Raj was quite different to Dilthey in his

approach to his role. He viewed things from a more holistic

point of view and had a wonderful way in his elaboration of

the English language, whether spoken or by the written word.

Coming from a developing country and being the first President

of IIW from India, he was a fervent supporter of regional activities and IIW’s mission to

improve the global quality of life. His comments in his opening statement on becoming

President matched this belief. ‘In order for the planet Earth to remain a viable and blissful

habitat for humanity, there must be less disparity amongst her citizens in terms of quality of

life, stability of societies, and true sustainability must be realised.’


Such vision equated to

IIW’s stated mission, ‘To act as the worldwide network for knowledge exchange of welding

technologies to improve the global quality of life’.

Whether or not this was meant to signal a more idyllic pace for IIW,

his words were quickly overtaken by an earthly passion to quicken the

pace of reform. It seems that Raj’s words were more an expression of the

consciousness of the human state and good karma to accompany the Institute

on its travels through a multitude of causes and objectives.

The Institute by now had developed a forward way of thinking and a new edition

of the Business Plan for the period 2013-2017, mentioned earlier, was subsequently

adopted by the General Assembly in September 2013. In concert with

the Business Plan, governance structure was reinforced to facilitate

maximum transparency for IIW and its stakeholders based on

sound principles, to act in good faith, with care and diligence, and

in the organisation’s best interest.


The new IIW Constitution,

after being in place for one year, clearly defined Member

Societies as possessing the ultimate decision-making authority in

the IIW organisation. Raj was to reinforce this change in attitude

by saying that the new governance structure created effectiveness

through openness, transparency, accountability and integrity.


Ultimately this was to lead to the publication of a brochure

on IIW’s website titled

IIW Values

detailing the ethos and

guiding principles of the International Institute of Welding.


Baldev Raj

Gary Marquis