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Raj was justifiably pleased with the progress

achieved during his term of office as President when

he handed over the reins to Prof. Gary B. Marquis

(Finland) in 2014. Marquis, like many before him,

was an able administrator having just completed his

term of office as the Chair of the TMB and a period

as the Chair of Commission XIII

Fatigue of Welded

Components and Structures

(C-XIII). Two of his

first acts as President were to sign the new service

agreement between IIW and the French Institut de

Soudure for hosting the IIW General Secretariat,

and also with the Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade

(ISQ) Portugal for hosting the IIW IAB Secretariat.

At the outset he signalled the need for continued

change beyond 2019 in terms of strengthening

the rules, operating procedures and practices for

education, training, qualification and certification activities. The increasingly commercial

nature of IIW’s developing interests, over the longer term, would also require change to its

structure, including the pursuance of global best practices and governance.


In terms of the

latter, Marquis declared that ‘IIW must continue to pursue improved governance practices.

Our goals are to develop greater accountability, openness, integrity and transparency with

respect to decisions and policies’.


In conjunction with Marquis’ election as President, other important

appointments were made to senior positions in IIW. These included Mr

Douglas Luciani (Canada) as Treasurer, replacing Kotecki, with Kotecki

passing on the ‘piggy’ bank and Luciani receiving it with humility and good

grace. Also Mr James Guild (South Africa) was to take over as Chair of the

IAB in a period that would see his diplomacy and commitment

tested to the limit, and Dr Luca Costa (Italy) demonstrated

his all-round capabilities bybecoming theChair of theTMB.

In terms of governance, IIW still continued to adapt and

maintain its relevance in changing times bringing membership of

IIW to a record 59 Member Countries by the end of 2015. This was a

satisfactory position to be in as the Institute neared another milestone

in its future, the 70th anniversary in 2018. Marquis was to

remark ‘The expanse of our organisation is clear testimony

to its strength, purpose and value. The IIW provides a

unique platform for scientific, technological and educational

development in the field of materials joining and as an

organisation we possess a wealth of knowledge and support

Doug Luciani


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