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‘in dire straits’ in terms of circulation and revenue.


A financial

evaluation of all operational aspects of IIW’s publications by

the IIW Secretariat, including WiW, selling of books, copies of

documents and income from royalties and copyright, revealed that

IIW was making substantial losses in 2009 from its publication



The major reason for the losses were the labour costs

involved as well as those for self-publishing of the journal.

There clearly was some urgency in addressing these losses,

and to improve the overall efficiency of the production of the

journal. Self-publishing was not the answer that it was once

thought to be after the agreement ended with Elsevier in

1998. Improving the status of the journal as a result became a

definitive strategy of IIW’s WG-COM&MARK.

The first step in doing so was the election of editors

external to the IIW Secretariat. This occurred with the

appointments of Prof. Bruno de Meester (Belgium),

Prof. Dr-Ing. Thomas Böllinghaus (Germany) and Prof.

Dr John Lippold (USA) as editors. In addition, the

relevant TMB members and Working Unit Chairs were

included on the Editorial Board and Peer Review



The first task of the Editorial Board was to streamline

the peer review system which had been introduced a year

earlier to improve the quality of papers produced through the

Working Units. This was a necessary step since IIW had long

cherished the inclusion of its journal in the Thomson Reuters Science

Citation Index™ (SCI), which provided a measure of the quality

and impact of scientific journals. This significant milestone was

achieved in 2010 and was backdated to the time of application in

2009. It was said of de Meester and his fellow editors that their

combined efforts had contributed significantly to the acceptance

by Thomson Reuters of WiW in SCI.


In acknowledging this

achievement, the President of IIW at the time, Prof. Dr-Ing. Ulrich

Dilthey (Germany), recognised that ‘This could not have

been achieved without the indefatigable efforts, steadfast

commitment, unequivocal dedication and unwavering faith of

the IIW Secretariat, the Editors, the Editorial Board, as well as

a superlative review system.’


Bruno de Meester

Thomas Böllinghaus

John Lippold