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stakeholders. The year 2008, therefore, was a transformative

one for the website and database through the efforts of the

steering committee. The mammoth project for the website

was completed within its time frame and it progressively

became more and more operational in the latter half of

2009. In anticipation of its success, Dilthey said ‘The new

website will thereby facilitate improved communication

within the ranks of the IIW and help to improve the image

of welding and to promote the aims and objectives of our



Mayer, in extending her sincere gratitude to

key persons, made special mention of Ms Sheila Thomas

(UK) for her assistance and sterling efforts in making the

website the success that it was. Mayer was also to reflect on

the past means of distributing information within IIW and

drew comparisons to a time when she first became associated with IIW in 2001 as the

French delegate to Commissions IV

Power Beam Processes


and VI


(C-VI). ‘When I started it was not surprising

to see a Chairman with a second suitcase containing hard copies

to be shared with the delegates. Now we have a robust electronic

management system and we are using modern communication

tools (online meetings, Facebook, news on website).’


Lingering disappointment with the earlier

versions dissipated with the introduction of

the new website and database. It was a key

marketing and communication tool which led

to a significant increase in visitors accessing

the site. According to the new Chair of WG-

COM&MARK, Mag. Sylke Kanits (Austria),

the website had a staggering 60% increase in

traffic in its first year of operation.


Kanits, who came from a marketing

background, took over the Chair of the Working Group from Mayer in 2009

and in doing so was to bring about significant changes in the promotion of

IIW and the way it was presented to the world as a scientific organisation.

The database, which was incorporated into the website, was another aspect that

required continual updating and improvement and considerable effort was expended in

doing so. For example, in 2013, around 7 000 papers from the period 1980-2000 were

retrieved from microfilm and transferred to the IIW database. By 2015 it was reported that a

further 15 000 papers had been transferred to the database and that the number of downloads

had increased by 26%.


Sheila Thomas

Sylke Kanits