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Not surprisingly, the guideline developed in the compromise proposal was not used

by IIWANBs because of the associated restrictions imposed on them through the prohibition

on the use of terms such as ‘international’ and the use of IIW’s logo on certificates. The

matter was raised again in the IIW IAB by several members in 2012 and the IAB agreed

to present a proposal to the IIW Board of Directors to revisit the decision made in 2009.

This proposal was made in consideration that other Member Societies were now offering

their own inspector certification programmes without geographical restriction in other IIW

Member Countries.


In light of this the IIW Board concluded that an Advisory Group was

needed and this was then set up in January 2013 with Dr Luca Costa (Italy) as convenor.

Numerous examples of Member Countries joining IIW primarily to

participate in the IIW IAB scheme became increasingly apparent following

its introduction in 2000. This, in turn, had a positive effect in discouraging

the development of potentially diverse national or regional schemes.



consideration of this there was a view by several of these members that an

IIW Authorised Training Body (ATB) wishing to run welding education or

training courses in a foreign country should be expected to first reach an

agreement with the local ANB, if one existed.


Another successful IIW IAB meeting, held at the IIW Annual Assembly,

Chennai, India, in 2011