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With the agreements with ISQ and EWF coming to a close, preliminary discussions

regarding the IIW IAB and the respective authority of its officers were undertaken at the

first meeting of the Task Group


(TG-GOV) in 2008. This was appropriate

since TG-GOV had been formed to improve the operational clarity of how IIW carried out

its affairs and the licence agreement between IIW and EWF was an important process by

which both organisations would work closely together. At this meeting it was stated that

ISQ had managed the work for both EWF and IIW within the framework of the existing

contract between ISQ/IIW and EWF.


A new contract, therefore, was required to be

negotiated before the end of 2009. A further meeting was held between IIW and EWF

representatives at TWI in Cambridge, UK in December 2008. It was agreed that, since EWF

owned and maintained the copyright of the operating documents, then the right for IIW to

use this documentation was still conditional on a new licencing agreement between the two

organisations to replace all previous agreements.

At the meeting of the Board of Directors in January 2009 the licence

agreement between IIW and EWF was discussed. It was then recommended

by the Board that a new licence agreement be prepared between IIW and

EWF and that a Secretariat contract be also prepared between IIW, ISQ and

EWF. Certain points of this draft licence agreement were discussed at a later

meeting of TG-GOV in Singapore on 14 July 2009 including the end date at

which point both EWF and IIW would be free to use the documents.


At the

Board of Directors meeting two days earlier, the IIW President Prof. Dr-Ing.

Ulrich Dilthey (Germany) had proposed that the terms of the draft licence be

agreed upon and that any comments be submitted by email since the dateline

for signature was the end of the year 2009.


The licence agreement between IIW and EWF was actually signed just before this

deadline on the 24 November 2009 by Dilthey for IIW and Jessop for EWF. IIWwas granted

non-exclusive rights within Europe and exclusive rights elsewhere, to market, use and offer

for sale, EWF intellectual property over a 20-year period. This period commenced from the

end date of the original agreement which had been signed with EWF on 1 January 1999.

At the 2010 Annual Assembly in Istanbul, Turkey, two months later, concern was voiced

by certain members of IIW regarding the licence agreement.


After these concerns were

addressed the Board of Directors then confirmed the licence agreement with EWF. Included

in the licence agreement was the payment of royalties to EWF for a fixed period of time.

This, interestingly, was an issue much debated prior to the signing of the original licence

agreement with EWF when royalties were not included.

The IIW Board of Directors then saw a rejuvenation of C-XIV as a key Working

Unit instrumental in the accomplishment of the goal ‘to identify, develop and implement