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Lawlink is Up and Running

by John Furlong, Solicitor

LAWLINK, the ambitious

communications project initiated by the

Technology Committee of the Law

Society in 1989 is to begin pilot testing

at a number of sites from this October.

LAWLINK will allow for direct access

to a range of databases and to an

electronic mail system especially

designed for the legal profession.

Practitioners will be able to make

inquiries across a communications

gateway to a range of databases includ-

ing the Land Registry and Companies

Registration Office (CRO) directly from

their own PC. Initially, access will be

available to the Dublin region of the

Land Registry allowing users to make

direct inquiries of the names index and

to print inspection copies of folios in

their own offices. With over 190,000

folios available in the Dublin region

alone, the service is sure to enhance the

efficiency of practices particularly those

involved in conveyancing, debt

collection and credit monitoring etc.

Access will also be available through

LAWLINK to the CRO on a gateway

similar to the existing CROLINE

service. This also allows direct access

for inquiry purposes; printouts of

company details and the automatic

ordering of company documentation

from the CRO image database.

Later in the project, it is envisaged that

access will also be provided to other

public databases. It is hoped that this

will include the Registry of Deeds and

the Probate Office at an early stage.


LAWLINK Limited, the company

operating the service, was established

by the Technology Committee of the

Law Society in 1989 and has been in

negotiation with various bodies since

then. Earlier this year, the company

received funding from the Telematique

L-r: Frank Lanigan, Chairman, Lawlink Limited and Joe Thompson, General Manager,

Eirtrade, signing the contract for the X400 link.

Project of the European Communities

and this funding has enabled the initial

phase of the project to proceed.


Frank Lanigan

says "Lawlink

represents a major breakthrough for the

legal profession. This new service will

mean that access to information held on

certain public databases will be

facilitated and will also provide a more

efficient method for solicitors to submit

their search requests. The whole process

can be operated from the office with a

minimum of fuss and time delays."


The system will operate across an X400

link provided under contract by

Eirtrade, the data communications arm

of Telecom Eireann. Eirtrade is a

network service which acts as a data

clearing house. Instead of having to

establish many connections between

different subscribers, only one link to

Eirtrade is needed for each. The

network also overcomes the inherent

problems of different computer types

communicating with each other as a

single protocol (X400) is used

throughout and it caters for all popular

makes. Since the network is nationwide

it does not matter where a subscriber is

located. Eirtrade are constructing the

communications, billing and auditing

elements of the LAWLINK system in

both the Companies Office and the Land

Registry Office.

To avail of the service, is envisaged that

users will register with LAWLINK and

on payment of a small registration fee

will be provided with the necessary

access codes and passwords. Hardware

required at the user site will include a

modem, a suitable PC and a printer. The

appropriate communications software

will also be installed. LAWLINK will

provide the necessary communications

software. Users will then have direct

access to the database as they come on-

line. The fee to bq charged for each

search made promises to be extremely

attractive given the speed and currency

of the information which will be


While the system is being developed by

LAWLINK Limited and targeted

specifically at members of the

Incorporated Law Society, it will be

available to other users such as banks,

building societies, law searchers etc.

Electronic Mail

LAWLINK subscribers will

automatically have access to EIRMAIL