Natural gas has the smallest
ecological footprint for power
generation compared to other
carbon fuels.
Image courtesy of Gasum
Support in Establishing Ukrainian
Monitoring Mission
In accordance with Regulation (EU) 994/2010 Article 11
Para. 7 and the “Rules of procedure for the Gas Coordination
Group” Article 5 and 6, the EC formally asked ENTSOG for
their support in establishing a Ukrainian Monitoring Mission.
ENTSOG indicated its willingness to cooperate closely with the
EC and several talks were scheduled to define the ToR for the
mission, the scope of work, and which information should be
exchanged for effective monitoring. Furthermore, the EC
asked for three representatives to visit the Ukrtransgaz head-
quarters, if necessary, and who could be contacted in the
event of a security of supply (SoS) crisis. The first high-level
visit by one of the three representatives was organised with
the aim of building confidence and evaluating which data
could be exchanged. The visit took place on the 22 Decem-
ber 2014 and the outcome was highly positive. Additional
visits are envisaged for the future.
Early Warning System (EWS)
In the framework of the EU-Russia dialogue, ENTSOG
launched development efforts for an EWS in 2013. Discus-
sions on this system continued into 2014 and the first
milestone reached was the implementation of an EWS with
the Early Warning Team East in place by 1 October 2014.
This team consists of 16 TSOs including Ukrainian TSO
Ukrtransgaz. Once in place, EWS serves as a forum where
TSOs can provide their expertise and information to other
TSOs or to other stakeholders. This can be done on short no-
tice to overcome or at least mitigate the consequences of a
security of supply (SoS) crisis. With the development of the
EWS under the umbrella of ENTSOG, member state TSOs
demonstrated their willingness to assume responsibility for
European-wide cooperative efforts in compliance with Regu-
lation (EU) 994/2010.
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ENTSOG Annual Report 2014