System Operation
Transparency WG
Transparency KG
New ENTSOG Transparency Platform
Even though information has been made available by individ-
ual TSOs, network users may still face difficulties transporting
gas across Europe due to differences in market models across
the continent. The ENTSOG Transparency Platform has there-
fore been designed to facilitate access to transmission net-
works by, among other things, making all the information
available in an organized and structured manner on a single
The new Transparency Platform provides technical and com-
mercial data pertaining to gas transmission/storage, LNG, gas
distribution, final consumers and production, and displays
the relevant points in a new map. The platform is free of
charge for use by all market participants. All information
provided by TSOs is marked with time stamps. Uploads can
be made on an hourly basis but this also depends on local
requirements and technical factors.
Some other tools that are available include graphs and charts
for more convenient display of data and a balancing zone
map with more details on gas flows between Europe’s balanc-
ing zones.
Advanced tools allow users to perform point-by-point search-
es by entering the first letters of each point, country, TSO etc.
The following information is available (historical/future availa-
Capacities (per type and availability status);
Balancing model and charges;
Nominations and physical flows;
Types of contracts offered;
Gas quality data;
CMP related data (unsuccessful requests, cleared
and reserved prices, unavailable firm capacities and
capacities made available).
The liberalisation process aimed at the creation of an internal
gas market has significantly changed the gas transmission
business and increased the need for transparency. In this
respect specific obligations for TSOs have been introduced
through Regulation (EC) 715/2009, which defines the basic
transparency rules that are further specified in Chapter 3 of
Annex I (and its amendments). Since network codes were
developed with the aim of market integration, additional infor-
mation relating to the access and operation of gas networks
must be made publicly available.
Group Structure
The Transparency Workgroup (TRA WG) is assisted by the
Platform Development KG, which is responsible for analysing
transparency requirements (REMIT, CMP and TARIFF) and
proposing improvements to the Transparency Platform
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ENTSOG Annual Report 2014