System Operation
Interoperability WG
Advisory KG
Gas Quality KG
Business Rules KG
Early Warning System
IT & Communications
Roadmap KG
Technical Solutions
Adoption & Imple
mentation Group
Finalisation of the Network Code for
Interoperability and Data Exchange Rules
for Comitology
On the 21 November 2013, ENTSOG received ACER’s “Reasoned Opin-
ion” on the network code draft for Interoperability and Data Exchange
(INT NC). ACER acknowledged a high degree of compliance but highlight-
ed some areas where the drafted network code deviated from the
Framework Guidelines. Where required, adjustments were made and
clarifications proposed with the aim of complying with the Framework
Guidelines and Regulation (EC) 715/2009. On 18 December 2013,
ENTSOG re-submitted INT NC to ACER.
Based on the re-submitted version of INT NC, ACER sent its recommenda-
tion to the European Commission (EC) on 15 January 2014. ACER stated
that the document satisfactorily reflected most of the amendments pro-
posed in their Reasoned Opinion, and included the revisions and clarifica-
tions requested by the EC. The Impact Assessment of INT NC was approved
by the EC in January 2014
From January to June 2014, several trilateral meetings with ACER and the
EC were held to prepare the INT NC for the comitology process. Focal
points in the discussion were gas quality – particularly odourisation practic-
es – and data exchange. Another important modification to INT NC was
that ENTSOG was now to develop and publish an interconnection agree-
ment template covering the default terms and conditions.
EC commenced the translation phase of the INT NC draft for comitology on
10 June 2014.
Group Structure
INT WG is supported by the following Kernel
Groups (KGs):
Advisory KG
, responsible for coordinating
processes relevant to the development and
delivery of the Network Code on Interoper-
ability and Data Exchange Rules
Business Rules KG
, responsible for devel-
opment of harmonised rules related to
technical cooperation between TSOs,
including interconnection agreements
Gas Quality KG
, responsible for issues
related to quality specifications and
odourisation practises
IT & Communications KG
, responsible for
issues related to streamlining communica-
tion solutions for data exchange
Technical Solutions Adoption & Imple-
mentation Group
, responsible for develop-
ing the common tools for data exchange
needed to implement network codes
Early Warning System KG
, responsible for
the development and implementation of
an Early Warning System to manage
Europe-wide crises in security of gas
supply at short notice
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ENTSOG Annual Report 2014