Elected Officers, Appointed Officials, Town Employees,
Boards, Committees, Commissions and Trustees
Elected Officers
(Dates shown in parenthesis indicate
when term ends, Month & Year)
Selectmen, Assessors and
Overseers of the Poor
Clifford L. Emery, Chair (6/19)
Jean C. Harmon, Vice Chair (6/17)
Mark J. Blier (6/19)
Chad E. Poitras (6/18)
Dennis P. Santolucito (6/17)
Election Moderator & Warden
Hiram R. Davis
Town Clerk
John L. Myers, Jr. (6/17)
Planning Board
Jeremiah K. Ross, III, Chair (6/19)
Christopher Baldinelli, Vice Chair (6/18)
Penny J. Booker (6/19)
Keith A. Emery, Treasurer (6/18)
David A. Field Jr. (6/17)
Hilda E. Lynch, Recording Sec.
Directors of School
Administrative District No. 6
Paul Penna, Superintendent
Ellen H. DeCotiis (6/17) s/h/b (6/19)
Charlene E. Libby (6/18)
Cynthia J. Meserve (6/18)
Ansel E. Stevens Jr., (6/17)
Budget Committee
Sheridan W. Bennett (6/19)
Heidi L. Carter (6/17)
Richard H. Emery Jr. (6/17)
David L. Hall (6/19)
Arthur A. Payeur (6/17) s/h/b (6/19)
Jacob T. Stoddard (6/18)
Scott A. Warshol (6/18)
Appointed Officials
Town Treasurer
Kimberly Beam
Tax Collector
Elizabeth “LeeAnn” A. Pratt
Emergency Management Agency
Nathan R. Schools, Director (12/17)
William C. Roberts, Jr., Deputy (12/17)
Motor Vehicle Agent and Inland
Fisheries & Wildlife Agent
David M. Anderson
Public Access Officer
John L. Myers, Jr.
Selectmen’s Assistant & Welfare Director
Beverly A. Gammon
Brenda Brown, Fair Hearing Authority
Health Officer
Chad E. Poitras (12/17)
Sub-Registrar for Disposition Permits
James Pate (6/17)
Chad E. Poitras (6/17)
Town Departments
Business Office
John L. Myers Jr., Office Manager
David M. Anderson, Motor Vehicle Agent
Brenda Brown, Deputy Town Clerk
Marilyn M. Holland, Accounts Payable
Angela H. Michie, Deputy Town Clerk
Elizabeth “LeeAnn” A. Pratt, Tax Collector
Ruth M. Scheibenpflug, Assistant Clerk