Town of Buxton
Selectmen’s Report
A lot has happened since the last Selectmen’s Report was written.
Mark Blier was elected to the Board of Selectmen. Nicole Welch was hired as our new Recreation
Director, and more recently Grace Bibber was hired to fill the full-time position of Recreation
Kimberly Beam was hired as the Town’s new Treasurer, Mike Crockett was hired as a PublicWorks
Laborer/Equipment Operator, and Tim Martin was hired as the Town Mechanic replacing our long
time mechanic, Larry Anderson. Three full-time personnel, Shawn Hebert, Denise Mayberry, and
Julie Suiter were added to the Fire-Rescue Department.
Voters approved a new Business and Commercial Zone Design Standards Ordinance for the
Commercial District at the June, 2016 Town Meeting. A similar proposal for the Rural and Village
Districts is being discussed and will be presented to the voters. Along the same lines, the Board
voted to increase the Building Permit Fees and a new Fee Schedule was put into effect this winter.
A six month Moratorium Ordinance Regarding Retail Business Establishments in the Village
District was approved by Buxton citizens at a Special Town Meeting. The Town established this
Moratorium due to the sudden threat of increased development from large, retail establishments
in a village zone and the size of businesses that are currently allowed in our village zones. At this
time, one public meeting has been held and a second has been scheduled for March 28. It is our
hope that an agreeable solution can be found.
A new plow truck was approved by the voters last June and the truck arrived just in time for snow
Buxton Toy Box had another successful year. Many thanks to Mia Dodge, to all those who made
contributions and volunteered, and to all of the Toy Box Elves who helped make it possible for 132
Buxton children to have a wonderful Christmas.
Mark Blier has reorganized the Comprehensive Plan Committee and they have had several
productive meetings thus far.
There have been many new businesses going up around town this past year including River Drive,
a wooden barrel processing facility, Stonecraft Inc., a concrete countertop sales office, EnergizeME
Electric Company, Big Moose Harley Davidson, Timber Ridge Farm, a new kennel, a new garage
facility and business office for Peters Construction, a compost toilet manufacturing facility for
boats, and a yoga studio.
Two large issues that confronted the Town were the completion of the new Bar Mills Bridge and
passage of legislation to legalize marijuana. Although it seemed like it took forever, the bridge was
finally completed and officially opened with a fantastic ribbon cutting ceremony on November 7,