Special Meetings
In order to provide State bodies with a means of holding a meeting on
short notice because of the occurrence of an unforeseen event, the Act
allows for “Special Meetings” with a 48-hour notice with copies to all
national wire services. The purposes for which a body can call a special
meeting are quite limited. Examples include pending litigation,
legislation and certain personnel actions.
Notice Content
The Meeting Notice must include:
Date, time and place meeting is to be held
A specific agenda for the meeting
If there will be a Closed Session, must be on the agenda and must
cite Code Section and Subsection providing legal authority for
Close Session.
Notice that for every agenda item there will be discussion
including public comment, and that board action may occur.
Must list a contact person for questions concerning the agenda or
for needed special accommodations.
See example notice and agenda attached.
Comments from Public
The Agenda should allow opportunity for public comment
on each
agenda item
. Members of the Public should also have opportunity to
offer comments on subjects not listed on the agenda (reasonable time
limits can be applied)
Minutes Must Indicate
Each Member’s Vote on
A state body must record in the meeting minutes any action taken by
the body and the vote or abstention of each member present for the
Closed Sessions
In most cases, there are only two authorized reasons for Closed
Sessions for our programs:
Personnel Issues [Government Code Section 11126(a)(1)]
Pending Litigation – Attorney should be present with memo
prepared for the board of directors. [Government Code
Section 11126(e)(1)]
Closed Session Process
Chair must announce in open session that the Board is entering into
closed session and state the (general) purpose of the closed session
Only board members and people necessary
to conduct the business of
the closed session should be present
When closed session adjourns, open session must be reconvened
and the general nature of any actions taken in closed session must
be reported
Minutes of the closed session must be prepared and kept in
confidential file
Rights of the Public:
To attend meetings free from conditions
To tape, record or broadcast meetings
To comment on any agenda item (may post a time limit)
To make comments regarding non-agenda items (may impose time limit)
To have access to documents provided to board members
To receive notice to all meetings of the board or its committees including agenda
Assurance that the meeting will not begin before the time stated on the notice