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Vol. XXV, No. 2]

JUNE, 1931.




The Half-yearly General Meeting of the

Society was held on Monday the 18th May, at

45 Kildare Street, Dublin, the President

(Mr. Alexander D. Orr) in the Chair.

The following members were also present :

Messrs. T. W. Delany


W. G. G. Bradley, T. H. R. Craig, E. J.

Mallins, A. H. S. Orpen, T. G. Quirke,

L. J. Ryan, Peter Seales, W. T. Sheridan,

Basil Thompson, R. G. Warren, C. St. G.

Orpen, C. G. Gamble, F. C. E. Bland,

E. N. Edwards, J. W. Dyas, W. H. Fry,

Edward Condell, C. G. Stapleton, T. D.




K. Walsh,

E. J. Kenny, E. E. Merrick, T. J. Fullerton,

J. R. Cresswell, H. R. Whelan,

F. E.

Bermingham, D. D. McDonald, J. P. Collins,

I. Howe, E. R. McC.Dix., H. Malley, L. Good-

body, \V. H. Roper, S. H. Watson, and

P. Grimes.

The Secretary read the notice convening

the meeting and the minutes of the Half-

yearly General Meeting held on the 26th

November, 1930, which were signed by the


On the motion of Mr. Delany, Vice-Presi–

dent, seconded by Mr. Gamble, the follow–

ing resolution was unanimously adopted :

" That Mr. T. A. Ireland, Mr. Patrick

Glynn and Mr. A. E. Prentice be appointed

Auditors of the Accounts of the Society for

the year ending 30th April, 1931."

The President nominated the following

members of the Society to be Scrutineers of.

Ballot for Council, to be held in November,

1931 : Mr. F G. Sharpe, Mr. N. Taylor,

Mr. R. Frercb. Mr. T. J. Fullerton and Mr.

Vincent Kennedy.




THE PRESIDENT, addressing the meet–

ing, said :

Gentlemen, following our usual practice,

I propose to give you a short summary of

your Council's work during the past six


Four Courts.

The Board of Works some

time ago

notified your Council that our new premises

in the Four Courts should be ready for

occupation about June or July of this year.

Owing however, to the strike in the building


the work has been


delayed so that the premises will not be ready

for occupation so soon as was expected.

I have had an opportunity of inspecting

our new premises and am satisfied that when

they are completed they will be admirably

adapted for all purposes and that they will

meet with the approval of all our members.

The Courts of Justice Acts.

You will recollect that at our last meeting

my predecessor referred to the Report of the

Joint Committee appointed to consider what

amendments, if any, were required under

these Acts. This Report deals very fully with

the administration of justice in this country

and suggests a number of important amend–

ments, such as a change in the existing

practice for hearing Appeals from the Circuit

Courts, and the procedure that should be

adopted to ensure the rapid granting of

Degrees in the Circuit Court in undefended

cases arising out of Contract.

Your Council has very carefully considered

this Report and has drawn up a Memorandum

to be submitted to the Minister of Justice,

in-which the views of the Council have been