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JUNE, 1931]

the Gazette of the Incorporated Lavs Society or Ireland.

stated and will, I am sure, have the Minister's

most careful consideration.

The Minister has stated in the Bail that he

proposes in the Autumn -_of

this year to

introduce legislation on this Report.

I hope

that as a result of such legislation we shall at

last have a code of Rules for the Circuit

Courts and that the Rules of the High Court

will be codified and brought up to date.

The Land Commission.

The Land Bill of 1930 has passed the Bail

and the Senate and is now Law. The Act

provides for the immediate vesting of all

Tenancies with the resultAthat the Tenant

Farmers will at once get the benefit of- the

Purchase Annuities




Land Act of 1923.

The Act also provides

machinery whereby Landlords and Incum-

brancers will be able as soon as the purchase

money comes to credit to apply to the

Judicial Commissioner for payment of the

interest on the Land Bonds representing the

purchase money of the estate instead of

having to wait as in the past for the allocation

of the purchase money.

The Bill as originally drawn did not, in the

opinion of your Council, make sufficient

provision for Appeals from the decision of

the Judicial Commissioner to the Supreme

Court" on questions of

law. Buring


passage through the Bail a large number of

amendments were



the Bill

including amendments on the question of

Appeals. The amendments

inserted now

give the right of Appeal on questions of law

only from the decision of the Judicial Com–

missioner to the Supreme Court.

In proceedings on the Bill in the Senate the

Parliamentary Secretary for the Minster of

Lands and Fisheries announced that on the

Bill becoming law it is intended to appoint

additional Examiners of Title. The office of

Examiner of Titles is open to members of the

Solicitors' profession, and it is gratifying to

place on record that when in the month of

February last one additional Examiner of

Title was appointed, the successful applicant

was a Solicitor, who has since his appoint–

ment discharged the duties of his office to

the satisfaction of everyone concerned.

Rules have been prepared by the Land


for carrying

into effect


provisions of the Act and in accordance with

the provisions of the Act, I have been con–

sulted with reference to these Rules.

I have

suggested certain alterations and amend–

ments which in my opinion were necessary

and I am glad to say that theJLand Com–

mission have accepted these amendments

and incorporated them in the Rules which

arc now in the course of being printed.

Maps in Circuit Court Cases.

It was reported to the Council that in the

Bublin Circuit Court an uncertainty had

arisen as to whether Maps should be pre–

pared and given in evidence in^Collision

cases. The Circuit Court Judges, through

the County Registrar, have expressed their

views on

the subject. These views are

printed in our Gazette and have, I am sure,

been of the greatest assistance to all practi–

tioners in the Circuit Courts.

Income Tax Arrears.

Complaints were received from several

members of the profession to the effect that

it was not always easy to ascertain the

district to which an application should be

made for a Certificate under Section 6 of

the Finance Act of 1928 of the payment of

Income Tax. The Revenue Commissioners

have kindly furnished the Council with a list

of Income Tax Bistricts and addresses in the

County and Borough of Bublin from which

members will be able to obtain the address of

the Inspector to whom the application for

such a certificate should be made ; the list

appeared in our GAZETTE of February last.

The Irish Auctioneers, Valuers, House and

Estate Agents Bill.

A Bill has been introduced to provide fqr

the registration of persons carrying on the

profession of Auctioneer, Valuer, House and

Estate Agents. Through the courtesy of the

Auctioneers Association a draft of this Bill

was submitted to your Council for its con–

sideration. Your Council have considered

the Bill and suggested certain amendments

which, in the opinion of the Council, should

be inserted in the Bill.

I am glad to say

that the Auctioneers' Association have ac–

cepted these amendments and have incor–

porated them in their draft Bill.