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May 2015


eiler GmbH’s mobile hollow

core system now enables

location-independent set

up for the implementation of even

remote projects. Through this new

innovation, the construction industry

has a totally newperspective and op-

portunities in the design, production

and expansion.

The German family owned busi-

ness has for over 60 years, under the

ownership of the Holzberger family,

distinguished itself for its pioneering

spirit. Through continuous evolve-

ment, the initial machine building

company has become a worldwide

supplier of turnkey plants for precast

concrete products. Today, weiler

provides complete precast concrete

plants fromthe processing of rawma-

terials to storage of finished products.

Currently, there are over 200weiler

precast concrete plants that provide

products for residential, commercial,

industrial and high rise buildings.

This includes:

Ceiling systems, e.g. hollow core

panels, ceiling beams, etc.

Load-bearing and none load-

bearing wall panels, solid, hollow

or as a sandwich.

Products for concrete frame-work

e.g. columns, beams etc.


The international success of the pio-

neering spirit of this company has not

diminished in anyway, in fact to the

contrary. Their latest development

is now the unique technical concept

of a fully mobile plant for the manu-

facture of hollow slabs. This can also

be used for large projects in a flexible

andmobilemanner, with production

taking place at the building site.

The advantages of the mobile

plant is that it can be built-up within

five to 10 days, withminimal prepara-

tion and investment. Within a short

period of time, a fully equipped

production plant for hollow concrete

slabs is then available, which allows a

capacity of 120-1000m² per day. With

the mobile weiler plant, houses are

produced with hollow core slabs for

ceilings and walls without additional


weiler GmbH

This is an important component of

the company’s future enterprise in

preparing for a comprehensive ex-

pansion into the housing and indus-

trial construction markets.

Themobile weiler system increas-

es flexibility to deliver products that

are cost effective, efficient and also

reduce transportation costs.

With the development of the first

worldwidemobile plant throughwei-

ler GmbH, the entry into the hollow

core market has now been paved for

many new and established construc-

tion companies.

For further information contact,

weiler GmbH, Rheinstr. 40, 55435

Gau-Algesheim, or call 0049-6725-

9195490, email:



Mobile hollow core plant

weiler GmbH’s pioneering work

has produced the first mobile

plant for the production of pre-

stressed hollow core slabs for

floors and walls.

Cement & Concrete