of oil of neroly, and dissolve in 3i gallons of alcohol, 95
per cent".
129. Creme Imperiale. (imperial Cream.)
4 ounces of carrot-seed.
4 do. Ceylon cinnamon.
8 do. angelica-seed.
8 do. orris-root.
Ground; macerate for 24 hours with 3E gallons of alco
hol, 95 per cent., and 3^ gallons of water. (See No.6.)
Distil from off the water 3i gallons of flavored sjjirit;
then add 63 lbs. of sugar and 3J gallons of water, heated
near hoUing.
130. Creme de Martinique.(Martinique Cream.)
4 drachms of tincture of vanilla.
32 drops of oil of neroly.
14 drops of on of roses.
24 drops of oil of cinnamon.
Dissolve in Si gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent.; then add
53 lbs. ofsugar and 3^gallons of water, near boiling heat,
and color rose. (See No. 93.)
131. Creme de Menthe. (Mint Cream.)
5lbs. of spearmint.
25 lemons, the rinds only.
Cut and macerate for 24 hom-s with 3i gallons of alco
hol, 95 per cent, and 3|gallons of water. (See No.5.)
DistU from off the water 3l gallons of flavored spirit,
and dissolve W it 5 drachms of oil of peijpennint; then
add 53 lbs. of sugar and 3l gallons of water, near boiling