167. Eani de Fraises. (Strawberry Water.)
6 lbs. of strawberries made to a pulp.
8 lbs. ofsugar.
Boilfor 5 minutes in 6^ gallons of water; strain, press,
then add 3 gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent. Filter. (See
168. Eau de Framboises. (Raspberry Water.)
lbs.ofTaspberries made to a pnlp, boil for 5 minutes
with 8 lbs. ofsugar and 6i gallons of water; strain, press,
and then add 3 gallons 6f alcohol, 95 per cent. Filter.
(See No. 3.)
169. Eatl de Genievre. (Juniper Water.)
3 drachms ofoil ofjuniper, dissolve in 3 gallons ofalco
hol, 95 per cent., then add 8 lbs. of sugar dissolved in ej
gallons of water. Filter.
170. Eau de Girofle. (Clove Water.)
10 ounces of cloves.
IJ do. mace.
Ground; macerate for 24 hours with 3gallons of alcohol,
95 per cent., and 3a gallons of water (see No.5). Distil
from off the water 3 gallons of flavored spirit, then add
20 lbs. of sugar dissolved in 6J gallons of water.
Color brown with coloring and filter(see Nos.3and 88).
171. Eau de Groseilles. (Currant Water.)
6 lbs. of red currants made to a pulp, boil for 5 minutes
with 8 lbs. ofsugar and 6i gallons of water, strain, press,