264. Liqueur de Citron. (Spirit ofLemon.)
3 lbs. ofleraou rinds, only the yellow part.
Cut and macerate for 24 hours with 3 gallons of alcohol,
95 per cent., and 3A" gallons of water (see No.5); distil
from off the water 3 gallons offlavored spirit; add 24 lbs.
ofsugar dissolved in 5^ gallons of water 5 filter 5 color yel
low. (See No. 91.)
Liqueur de Fleurs d'Oranges,
(Spirit of Orange
1 gallon of orange-flower water added to a syrup made
of 24 lbs. of sugar dissolved in 4^ gallons of water; miv
with 3 gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent.; filter. (See No.7.)
266. Liqueur de Fraises. (Spirit of strawberries.)
10 lbs. of strawben-ies, boiled for 5 minutes with a
syrup made of 24 lbs. of sugar, dissolved in 5} gallons of
water; strain, and add 3 gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent.;
filter. "(See Nos. 3 and 7.)
267. Liqueur de Framboises. (Spirit of Easpberries.)
10 lbs. of raspberries, boiled for 5 minutes with a syrup
made of 24 lbs. of sugar, dissolved in 5r gallons of water.
Strain, and add 3 gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent.
(See Nos.3 and 7.)
268. Liqueur de GrOSeilleS. (Spirit of Currants.)
10 lbs. ofred currants,boiled for 5 minutes with a syrup
made of 24 lbs. ofsugar, dissolved in 51 gallons of water.
Strain, and add 3 gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent.; filter.
(See Nos.3 and 7.)