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(see No. 5). Distil from offthe water 3 gallqjps offlavored

alcohol, and add 7 gallons of the wliitest plain syrup.

(See No. 7.)

283. Mirabolanti, Italian. ,

1 lb. ofground mirabolanti.

A do. cardamom.

Macerate for 24 hours with 8 gallons of alcohol, 95 per

cent., and 3 gallons of water (see No.5); distil from off

the water 3 gallons of flavored sj)irit, and add 24 lbs. of

sugar dissolved in 5a gallons of water; filter. (Sec No.3.)

284. Nectar des DieUX. (Nectar of Olympus.)

2 lbs. ofhoney.

1 do. coriander-seed.

A do. fresh lemon peel.

2 ounces of cloves..


4 do. styrax calamita.

4 do. benzoin.


Ground and cut; macerate for 2 weeks with 3a gallons

of alcohol, 95 per cent., and 3^

]ons of water (see


No. 5) ; distil from off. the water 3 gallons of flavored


spirit, and add 8 ounces of orange water, 1a drachm of

tincture of vanilla, and 30 lbs. of sugar dissolved in 5A

gallons of water; filter; color deep red. (See No. 93.)

' ' I •

285. Nordhaeuser Korn Branntwein.


45 drops of oil of star anise-seed.

6| drachms of acetic ether.

7 ounces of St. John's bread (Johannisbrod).

A drachm of Spanish saffron.

. > •

1 do. gunpowder tea. .

