458. Tears of th.e "Widow of Malabar.
Same as Balm of Molucca, but employing 1 dracbm of
mace (shreded), ^ an ounce of cloves (bruised), and a tea-
spoonful of the essence of vanilla for flavoring. Some add
1 of a pint of orange-flower water. It is sbgbtly colored
with coloring. (See No. 88.)
459, Sigbs of Love.
6 lbs. of.sugar, and pwre soft water sufiicient to produce
a gallon of syrup (see Nos. 7 and 421), to which add 1pint
of rose water and 7 pints of proof spii-it; color pale pink
(see No. 93). A drop or two (not more) of the essence of
ambergris or vanilla imjiroves it. This is a pleasant cor
460. Delight of the Mandarins.
1gallon of spirit (22 under proof).
a do. pure soft water.
4^ lbs. of white sugar (crushed small).
a ounce of anisum Chinse, bruised.
4 do. ambrette or musk seed, bruised.
a do. safflower.
Macerate in a carboy or stone jar capable of holding
double the quantity (see No. 5), and agitate well every
day for 2 weeks.
461. Elephant's Milk.
2 ounces of gumbenzoin.
1 pint of rectifled spirits of wine.
Dissolve and add 2a jjints of boiling water; agitate for
5 minutes in a strong corked bottle, and when cold strain
and add la lb. of lump sugar.