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31. Regent's Puncli.

(Another recipe.)

(From VntBordtauai Wirie and Liquor Guide.)

li pint, each, strong hot green tea, lemon juice, and


1 pint, each, rum, brandy, arrack, and Curajoa.

1 bottle ofchampagne; mix,and slice a pine-apple into it.

For still another method ofcompounding this celebrated

punch, see recipe bTo.295,in

'■'■The Manualfor the Manu

facture of Cordials, etc.," in the latter part of this work.

32. Raspberry Punch.

(From arecipe in the Bordeaux Wine andLiquor Guide.)

lA gill of raspberry juice, or vinegar.

f lb. lump-sugar.

3^ pints of boiling water.

Infuse half an hour, strain, add A pint of porter, f to 1

pint, each, of rum and brandy (or either

to 2 pints),

and add more warm water and sugar, if desired weaker or

sweeter. A liqueur of glass of Curajoa, noyau, or maras

chino, improves it.

33. National G-uard 7th Regiment Punch.

(Use large bar glass.)

1 table-spoonful of sugar.

The juice of a j of a lemon.

1 wine-glass of brandy.

1 do. do. Catawba wine.

Flavor with raspberry syrup.

Fill the glass with shaved ice. Shake andmix thorough.

* See recipes Nos. 65 and 66.