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99, N



4, 2016

natural degradation dynamics of bifenthrin, fenpropathrin,

cypermethrin, and buprofezin on new shoots of the Oolong

tea plant using GC. Chen et al. (17) developed a GC-MS method

for the analysis of bifenthrin, cyhalothrin, teÀubenzuron,

Àufenoxuron, and chlorÀuazuron in dried Oolong tea leaf

samples, and then studied the natural degradation of these

pesticides in the leaves of Oolong tea trees and the effect of

processing steps on the residue.

Hitherto, less attention has been given to the degradation of

pesticides in aged tea. To research the degradation regularity

of pesticides in aged tea samples, on the basis of our

previous studies (18–20), the developed GC-MS/MS method

was used to determine the multiresidue of 271 pesticides,

including organonitrogen, organophosphorus, organochlorine,

organosulfur, carbamates, and pyrethroids, in aged Oolong tea

over 3 to 4months. Meanwhile, the regularity of 271 pesticides in

aged Oolong tea determined over 40 and 120 days was discussed

in different aspects according to ¿tting curves. Subsequently, 20

representative pesticides from different classes were optimized

for further study. At a higher spray concentration, the residues of

the selected 20 pesticides in aged Oolong tea were studied over

90 days to investigate the degradation regularity at different

concentrations. The degradation values of target pesticides

on a speci¿c day could be predicted by the logarithmic

function obtained from plotting the determination time (day) on



-axis and the difference between each determined value

and the ¿rst-time-determined value of target pesticides on the


-axis, according to the degradation results of the 20 pesticides

at the higher concentration over 90 days.

Lastly, the proposed procedure was validated by predicting

the pesticide residue at one of the Youden pair concentrations

according to the logarithmic function fromanother concentration.

The predicted values were compared to the measured results,

and they were evaluated by their deviation ratios.





.—Acetonitrile, dichloromethane, isooctane,

and methanol (HPLC grade) were purchased from Dikma Co.

(Beijing, China).


Anhydrous sodium sulfate

.—Analytically pure. Baked at

650°C for 4 h and stored in a desiccator.


Pesticide standards and internal standard (ISTD;

heptachlor epoxide)

.—Purity •95 (LGC Promochem, Wesel,



Stock standard solutions

.—Weigh 5–10 mg individual

pesticide and chemical pollutant standards (accurate to 0.1 mg)

into a 10 mL volumetric Àask. Dissolve and dilute to volume

with methanol, toluene, acetone, acetonitrile, isooctane, etc.,

depending on each individual compound’s solubility. Store all

standard stock solutions in the dark at 0–4°C.


Mixed standard solutions

.—Depending on properties and

retention time of each pesticide, all 271 pesticides for GC-MS/

MS analysis are divided into three groups. The concentration of

each mixed standard solution depends on the sensitivity of each

compound for the instrument used for analysis. Mixed standard

solutions should be stored in the dark below 4°C.



SPE cartridge



Triple Phase of Tea SPE

(Cleanert TPT; 10 mL, 2000 mg; Agela, Tianjin, China).



.—Rotational speed higher than 13 500 rpm

(report also in


-force units; T-25B; IKA-Labortechnik, Staufen,

Germany), or equivalent.


Rotary evaporator

.—Buchi EL131 (Flawil, Switzerland),

or equivalent.



.—Centrifugal force higher than 2879 ×


(Z320; B. HermLe AG, Gosheim, Germany), or equivalent.


Nitrogen evaporator

.—EVAP 112 (Organomation

Associates, Inc., New Berlin, MA), or equivalent.

Apparatus and Conditions


GC-MS/MS system.—

Model 7890A gas chromatograph

connected to aModel 7000B triple quadrupolemass spectrometer

with electron ionization (EI) source, and equipped with a Model

7693 autosampler with tMass Hunter data processing software

system (Agilent Technologies, Wilmington, DE). GC separation

was achieved on a DB-1701 capillary column (30 m × 0.25 mm

× 0.25 ȝm; Agilent - W Scienti¿c, Folsom, CA).



The oven temperature was programmed as

follows: 40°C hold for 1 min, increase to 130°C at 30°C/min,

increase to 250°C at 5°C/min, increase to 300°C at 10°C/min,

and hold for 5 min. The carrier gas was helium, purity •99.999 ;

the Àow rate, 1.2 mL/min; the injection port temperature, 290°C;

the injection volume, 1 ȝL; the injection mode, splitless, purge

on after 1.5 min; the ionization voltage, 70 eV; the ion source

temperature, 230°C; the GC/MS interface temperature, 280°C;

and the ion monitoring mode was multireaction monitor mode.

Each compound is monitored by one quantifying precursor/

product ion transition and one qualifying precursor/product ion


Preparation Procedures for Aged Tea Samples

Pass Oolong tea leaves (free from the target pesticide after

testing) through 10-mesh and then 16-mesh sieves after initial

blending in a blender. Spread 500 g sieved Oolong tea leaves

uniformly over the bottom of a stainless steel vessel 40 cm in

diameter to await spraying. Accurately transfer a certain amount

of pesticide mixed standard solution into the full-glass sprayer

and spray the tea leaves. Spray while stirring the tea leaves with

a glass rod for uniform coverage. After spraying, continue to

stir the tea leaves for 30 min to dissipate the volatile solvents

from the tea leaves. Place the sprayed tea leaves in a 4 L brown

bottle to avoid exposure to light. Store at room temperature and

continue oscillation blending for 12 h.

Spread the aged tea on the bottom of a Àat-bottomed vessel,

draw an ; and weigh a total of ¿ve portions of aged tea samples

collected from the symmetrical four points of the X and from the

central area. Submit the samples for GC-MS/MS determination,

and calculate the average value of the pesticide content of the

aged tea samples and RSD. When the RSD is 4 for GC-MS/

MS, it can be judged that tea samples have been sprayed and

mixed homogeneously.