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475. '.2\µµlc lllislJop.

Peel eighteen to twenty fine, aromatic apples; cut them into

thin slices, steam one-third of them with seven ounces of raisins,

one glass of Rhine wine, seven ounces of sugar, and the juice of

a lemon, and put on ice. The rest of the apple slices are boiled in

one and a half quarts of water with some lemon-peel and stick

cinnamon to a mash; strain; mix with a bottle of Rhine wine

and one pound of pulverized sugar, and serve over the steamed

apple slices on plates.

476. '.2\µricot lllislJop.

Peel about twelve fine, soft apricots; four of them are cut in

pieces and boiled with the skinned seeds (chopped) and with the

peel of the apricots and half a pound of sugar; boil half an hour

well, strain through a sieve upon the others, which you have cut

in two; let all get cold, and add a few glasses of white wine.

477. lllccr lllislJop.

Pumpernickel is grated on a grater and put in a tureen; mix

with it one-fourth of a p_ound of powdered sugar, one-fourth of a

pound of choice raisins, a teaspoonful of powdered cinnamon,

an unpeeled lemon, cut in pieces without seeds; add a quart of

white beer or lager


and serve.

478. lllilbcrry lllislJop.

Boil two quarts of well-cleaned bilberries with half a pint of

water, one-fourth of a pound of sugar, some lemon-peel and

some stick cinnamon; strain through a sieve. mix it with two

quarts of white wine, cream or milk, place the mixture on ice,

and serve over broken Zwieback, grated pumpernickel or snow–
