479. Qil)Crt!J Bisl)oµ.
Remove the pits o f o ne a nd a ha lf quarts of fine sour cherries,
brea k one part o f the pits, put the ch erries a nd p its with one
pint of wine , o ne a nd a h alf quarts o f wat er, six ounces of sugar ,
some stick cinnamo n a nd lemo n-peel in a turee n ; let a ll bo il
thoroug hly until the cherries a re perfectly soft ; the n sti r a t able–
spoonful of corn-sta rc h in cold wat er, mix that , while conti n ua lly
stirring, t o the ch erries, let bo il a while, stra in a ll throug h a h a ir–
sieve, a nd put o n ice. Whe n serving, a dd broken Zwieba ck,
cherries steamed in wine a nd s ugar, s nowba lls of the beat e n
whites of eggs, seaso ned with le mo n sugar, etc.
One quart o f cho ice currants a re strained throug h a h a ir-sieve
and mixed with h alf a pound of powdered sugar a nd a good quart
of light, white wine ; put on ice a nd serve over broken Zwieback
or small biscuits.
A bottle of white wine with one qua rt of wat er a nd nine
ounces of sugar a re h eat ed to the b o iling -po int (without bo iling);
add the yolks o f six eggs a nd a spoonful of flour well whipped ,
and ta k e it fro m the fire ; stra in throug h a sieve, add the peel o f
two lemons, which yo u rub bed o ff o n h alf a pound of sug ar, and
their juice ; mix well a nd let it get cold in the cella r. When
serving, add some biscuits or ma ca roni.
482. .£Urion JBisljo:p.
A h alf or whole very ripe melo n is cut into small, cubic pieces;
cover them well with sugar, squeeze over it the juice of a lemo n
and let soak for a n hour ; a dd two o r three bottles of lig ht, ice–
cold white wine; stir thoroug hly, add some small biscuits a nrl