<Extra IDrink.s.
490. <!Iliamµagne JBeer.
Boil in a large, very clean earthen pot five gallons of water
with one and a half pounds of sugar-brown rock-candy is the
best-until the sugar is completely dissolved; when the water is
cool add one and three-fourths ounces of yeast; stir well; cover
the pot, and let it stand over night. The following day take off
the yeast on the top; place the fluid in a cool place, and decant
it into another vessel very carefully; add a stick of cinnamon, and
one ounce of lump-sugar, which has been moistened with twelve
drops of lemon-oil; let it stand for a couple of hours; bottle and
cork well, and put it in the cellar; you may use it after four or
five days.
491. <!Egg JBeer.
Place one quart of beer with four ounces of sugar, a stick of
cinnamon, and some pieces of lemon-peel in a pot over the fire,
and heat it to boiling; meanwhile beat six whole fresh eggs to
foam, and add the boiling beer, while continually stirring; then
serve it in cups.
492:. <Winger JBeer.
Put in a large earthen vessel the rind of a thinly peeled lemon
and the juice of four, two ounces of pulverized ginger, two and
one-half pounds of powdered sugar, half an ounce of cremor
tartari; pour over it ten quarts of boiling water, and add, after the
water is lukewarm only, one ounce of
yeast, dissolved in
a little water; stir the fluid well , and let it ferment to the follow–
ing day. Then take off the yeast on top; decant the beer care–
fully into bottles, so as not to disturb the yeast; cork well, and
the beer is ready for use after three or four days.