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Corporate Responsibility


Managing the corporate environmental footprint and tackling climate change

Trusted partner for your Digital Journey


solutions, but the volume of emissions largely depends on where

by continuously improving the energy efficiency ratios of Atos’

is used.

the solutions are implemented and of the local energy mix that

For category 11 “Use of products sold”, progress is being made

Intensity CO




with high-intensity datacenter activities).

trends and progress achieved at constant scope but have been in

are more significant than absolute figures to understand the

of the new entities entering the Group (new major acquisitions

2016 significantly impacted by the carbon high-intensity profile

Carbon intensity figures (emissions per revenue or employees)

Based on the new 2016 enlarged scope including new entities

intensity emissions covering Scopes 1, 2 and 3 - part A were

and new activities (through new major acquisitions), Atos’

(respectively 17.81 and 2.17 based on the previous 2015

22.14 tons CO


per € million and 2.90 tons per employee

reduced scope).


Carbon-saving initiatives

The amount of CO2 emissions saved in the offices and data

overview section.

centers due to energy-saving initiatives can be found in the KPI


Decarbonized energy

to low-carbon electricity (renewable and decarbonized energy

migrate from carbon-based electricity (generated by fossil fuels)

the Group’s carbon emissions.

including nuclear). The main objective is to progressively reduce

Atos has launched a program to gradually and when possible

progressively switch to renewable energy.

availability, end of contracts, technical and economic feasibility),

Atos’ ongoing objective is, wherever possible (local offer

datacenters operated by Atos (co-location excluded), and to

to consume 100% of decarbonized electricity in the strategic

energy sources (renewable or nuclear) and/or towards the less

must systematically consider a shift towards decarbonized

impacting energies.

contracts, Atos Division managers and Procurement managers

Concretely, upon the renewal of energy and electricity supply

consideration local, national or international environmental

regulations and tax regulations such as carbon tax for instance.

constraints. At local level, the program implementation depends

also strongly conditioned by local energy market capacities and

availability and price per KWh. It also implies taking into

on several criteria such as the type of local supply or the

The progress accomplished in recent years is very significant but

Offsetting Program for Atos but also for its client through

Responsibility report 2016, especially regarding Carbon

“carbon neutral hosting” services.

Netherlands and the United Kingdom, are mainly being supplied

datacenters and offices, such as Brazil, France, Germany, the

refer to section D.5.1 and Environment Chapter of the Corporate

with decarbonized electricity. For 2016 achievements, please

At the end of 2016, several large countries hosting main

[G4-EN3] and [G4-EN5]

Energy consumption and intensity ratios


for all their office sites and datacenters.

growth of its activities and the energy required. All countries in

monitors this challenge and in particular, aims to decouple the

Since 2008, as part of its Environmental Program, Atos closely

all Business Units measure and report their energy consumption

Offices: Energy efficiency and saving initiatives

[G4-EN5] and [G4-EN6]

the migration, the closure of existing offices or the opening of

been underway in the Offices. Each year the program leads to

new ones.

Since 2014, a global consolidation and optimization program has

10% (10% in 2015) of the real-estate expenditure.

(449 locations in 2015). In 2016, this program saved more than

integration of Bull’s and Xerox ITO’s and newly acquired Unify

In 2016, the optimization program continued, with the further

1.2 million m² distributed in more than 516 locations worldwide

sites. At the end of 2016, Atos sites represented more than

Business Units must apply the Policy guidelines. In particular,

strict guidelines and processes for real-estate management. All

new locations and for the extension and rationalization projects.

the policy promotes energy-efficiency criteria for the selection of

The global Real-Estate/Logistic and Housing Policy promotes

Energy-efficiency criteria such as smart design and low-energy

standards (LEED; BREEAM; HPE; THPE; DGNB); highly

building techniques; “efficiency-label” certifications and


energy-efficient appliances or public transport availability are

positively contribute to the environmental footprint of the offices

home mobile and co-working. These new ways of working

and employees. Thus, the reduced number of square meters

of working, such as open spaces, desk-sharing, digital tools,

In addition, the Atos Smart Campus concept includes new ways

heating or cooling needs.

used for performing specific activities also reduces the lighting,

numerous actions have been taken by the sites.

consumption. Over the years, in terms of energy optimization,

certification program and closely monitor their energy

All Atos’ main office sites also benefit from the ISO 14001