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Corporate Responsibility


Managing the corporate environmental footprint and tackling climate change

Trusted partner for your Digital Journey


Other environmental challenges


by Atos, because they have to according to French legal

business, some other environmental challenges are monitored

significance for some Business Units, Divisions or stakeholders.

environmental reporting requirements or they can be of

Even if they are not identified as “material” due to nature of Atos


The “new ways of working” promoted by Atos intensively use

digital collaboration tools. These tools progressively reduce the

the shared printers and the “follow me printing” solution give

use of paper within the Group. Furthermore, the printing policy,


each individual a sense of responsibility in reducing paper

consumption per employee in the tertiary sector, Atos’ global

In 2016, based on publicly available estimations of paper

consumption was estimated at 7,300 tons for 97,003 employees.


Waste and e-waste

globally by the landlord or external subcontractors according to

are shared among multiple tenants. Office waste is managed

the local legal obligations.

policy favors the rent of office spaces and frequently the offices

plastic bottles or other tertiary sector waste. Atos’ Real-Estate

Atos’ office waste is mainly made up of cardboard, paper, cups,

the suppliers remain responsible for the end of life of their IT

implemented within the Group and in compliance with local laws,

Supplier Charter.

equipment, as required through the signature of the Sustainable

Concerning e-waste, through the leasing practice now globally

Ministry of the Environment.

joined EcoLogic, a collective system certified by the French

In compliance with the European Waste Electrical and Electronic

since July 2013, Atos Division Big Data & Cybersecurity has

Equipment Directive (WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU), in France,

11,700 metric tons for 97,003 employees.

available estimations of waste per employee in the tertiary

other environmental indicators. In 2016, based on publicly

sector, Atos’ global office waste worldwide was estimated at

of waste, e-waste, batteries and accumulators is tracked among

In the ISO 14001 certified datacenter and office sites the volume



units’ peak power consumption.

the water used for this purpose flows in specific closed water

In datacenters, water is mainly necessary for cooling servers but

supply some datacenters cooling units as water spray can reduce

loop sealed circuit. During heat waves, water can also be used to

In offices, Atos water consumption is that of the tertiary sector.


upstream with the manufacturers of electronic cards and

activities (R&D, conception, design and component assembly),

technologies, even though the operations include engineering

marginally. The main sources of water use are to be found

the Division does not manufacture components or only

Regarding Atos Big Data & Cybersecurity, specific hardware

0.36 million M3 for 97,003 employees.

level Atos’ water consumption worldwide was estimated at

consistent with estimation based on global water spend at Group

based on metered sanitary consumption per employee, and

volume of water is tracked: in 2016, using actual Atos’ UK data

In the ISO 14001 certified datacenter and office sites, the

Biodiversity and land use, air emissions and pollution,

catering and foodwaste

direct impact on biodiversity.

biodiversity is not material: Atos does not have a significant

As for the other environmental challenges mentioned in D.5.3.5,

Atos activities and materiality test assessment.

nitrogen oxides (NOx) have not been identified as primary in

ODS ozone-depleting substances (ODS), sulfur oxides (SOx) and


wherever possible implement recovery practices and waste

use of resources (water, electricity…), combat food waste and

Catering providers working at Atos facilities must optimize the


Big Data & Cybersecurity Hardware Technologies

Cybersecurity faces specific challenges:

As a hardware provider (products, servers), Atos Big Data &


comply with the specific laws, regulations- or best standards

limit the impact of products manufactured thanks to

eco-design practices;


pay attention to origin of raw materials while minimizing their

consider circular economy challenges and best practices;

and lean manufacturing in plants;

implement quality, safety and environment (QSE) practices

assessments of suppliers;

minimize risks on the supply chain through regular CSR

footprint of logistics.

favor eco-friendly transport and freight to mitigate the