lille and store Helliggeiststrsede. — T h e institution
contains and educates from 20 to 3 0 children.
Dovstumme-Institutet, The D ea f and Dumb
A s y lum
, founded in 1 8 0 7 , occupies a spacious
building on th e C itad elsv ei, outside o f th e E ast
G ate.
T his institution can receive 9 0 children, o f
b o th sexes, w hich are v e ry carefully instructed.
Det Kyi. Waisenhuus
The R oya l Orphan
A s y lum
, founded in th e reign o f F red erik IV . in
1727, is situate Nr. 6 K iobm agergade, w here above
2 0 0 children receive a good education.
T ill 1795
the children w ere m aintained in the A sylum , b u t
the n um b er greatly increasing rendered it necessary
th a t p a rt should be supported in the tow n a t the
expense o f th e Institution.
Det Kyi. Opfostrinyshuus, The R o ya l
Charity School
, N r. 2 6 9 in store K ongensgade,
w as founded by
Frederik V.
in 1753.
T he In
stitution w as originally intended to receive 2 2 5
boys, who are supported, clothed, and educated from
its funds till a fte r Confirm ation, (which rite in the
L u th eran C hurch is perform ed b y the in ferio r
clergy) w hen th ey are apprenticed to the different
trades. T h e n um ber of boys at p resent is ab o u t 150.