Pug ffaards Legat.
B y a deed of g ift, to
take effect from the comm encem ent o f this y ear,
18 53,
Mr. P uggaard
a M erchant of this City,
h as p resen ted 4 0 0 0 R bd. a n n u a lly ,
til fattige
Kiøbenhavnske Drengebørns Opdragelse og
Underviisning, fo r the Education and In
struction o f Poor Bogs in Copenhagen.
P e r
h aps we m ay consider this as the comm encem ent
o f "
Bagged Schools'
in D enm ark.
H ere m ay also be m entioned am ong the later
Institutions the
Asylum fo r Children,
the object
o f w hich is to relieve p aren ts occupied a t th eir
w ork from charge o f th eir children, and give them ,
according to their age, em ploym ent and occupation.
T h ere are 6 o f these A sylum s, an d in connection
w ith them 3 free schools.
A lso, the
Nursery for
In fan ts,
w here p oor w om en can have their infants
tak en charge of.
Frederiks Hospital.
T h is spacious building,
situate in Am aliegade and B re d g a d e , erected on
sw am py g ro u n d , by F red erik V . , an d in various