w as founded in 1839. It issues a periodical edited
by its secretary, P ro fe sso r
Selskabet fo r den danske Litera,turs
, o r ,
Society for the Promotion o f
Danish L iterature,
founded in 1827. T he n um ber
of m em bers is co n sid erab le, w h o , by an annu al
contribution, effect the object of the Society, w hich
consists p a rtly in p u b lish in g new w orks of m erit
on v ario u s su b je c ts, b u t chiefly such as relate to
th e h istory o f D an ish lite ra tu re , and p artly in
undertak in g new and valuable editions o f such
D a n ish classical w orks as are out o f p rin t, or in
a form m ore suited to the dem ands o f the p resent
T h e late P ro fesso r
w as the g reat
reg en erato r o f this Society, and w hatev er im portance
it a t present possesses is m a in ly , if not entirely,
ow ing to the interest and zeal w hich he took in
its affairs.
Selskabet fo r Naturlærens Udbredelse
Society for the Diffusion o f Natura l Philo
founded b y the distinguished P ro fe sso r
Ø rsted ,
is in connection w ith the Polytechnic
School, w here experim ents of the latest discoveries
in N atu ral Science are from tim e to tim e exhibited.