wiredInUSA - July 2015
Cables pending
wiredInUSA - October 2014 INDEX The solution: ActiveScan effectively and reliably measures the height and width of sector-shaped cables, such as straight and pre-spiraled cables, at the hot or cold end of the extrusion line with the highest precision regardless of product alignment or angular rotation. www.betalasermike.com/wi2 Americas Tel: +1 937 233 9935 Fax: +1 937 233 7284 Europe Tel: +44 1628 401510 Fax: +44 1628 401511 Asia Tel: +86 21 6113 3688 Fax: +86 21 6113 3616 Germany Tel: +49 231 758 930 Fax: +49 231 758 9333 Visit us at IWCS, November 9-12, Booth 106 Why it’s great: Measures product height and width up to 40 mm Measures at any line speed with ±0.001 accuracy 1 Precisely determines minimum and maximum dimensions Completely pneumatic system for reliable, long-lasting operation Interfaces with Profibus, Profinet, Ethernet IP, and RS-232 Conforms to CE standards Measuring Sector-Shaped Power Cables. BETA LaserMike ActiveScan™ Measurement System Faster product changeovers Complete process control Higher productivity Greater manufacturing savings >> Here’s a great solution for: Discover how ActiveScan can help you achieve greater profits. Download the application note today! 1 ±0.02% of product size (Go to Resources/Literature/ Application Notes) i I lThe government of Ottawa, Canada, is
offering $50 million for a new underwater
power cable for Prince Edward Island,
but the island had hoped to be offered
a larger share of the costs. To date, no
agreement has been reached for the
$150million project to provide two 180MW
“Original discussions were that they would
fund 50 percent [of the project] so now
we have $50 million on the table,” said PEI
transportation minister Paula Biggar. “It’s
not a signed agreement so we’re having
further discussions sowe can get the other
$20 million so we can move forward on
the project.”
The project will see two 17km cables
installed under the Northumberland Strait
fromCape Tormentine to Borden-Carleton.
The cables are necessary as the two
existing 100MW lines between PEI and
New Brunswick are beyond the design of
their operating life and unable to supply
all of the island’s electricity requirements
during periods of high demand.
This exposes islanders to significant risk,
should one or both of the lines break or
reach the end of their lifespan.
Finance minister Allen Roach said
negotiations are ongoing for funding of
the major project: “(We’re) trying to get
to get the best deal we can for Prince
Edward Island.”
acknowledged the power cable is a
priority for the province andwill be a joint
endeavor of the provincial government,
Ottawa and Maritime Electric. Work on
the project is expected to begin in the