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The performance-based assessment of resident educators pursuant to this rule shall be

administered under the authority of the state board of education.


The performance-based assessment of the resident educator shall be administered during the

third or fourth year of teaching. Passage of the assessment and successful completion of the four

year resident educator program results in eligibility for the professional educator license.


If the resident educator does not pass the assessment, the individual shall be required to retake

the deficient portions of the assessment.


Individuals who had only one opportunity to pass the performance-based assessment during

the life of the resident educator license or alternative resident educator license shall be issued a

one-year extension of the resident educator license or alternative resident educator license during

which the individual shall be required to retake the deficient portions of the assessment.


Failure to pass the deficient portions of the performance-based assessment while teaching

under a one-year extension of the resident educator license or alternative resident educator license

or a one-year interim license issued pursuant to the conditions described paragraph (D)(2)(d) of

this rule shall result in ineligibility for a professional educator license or any additional extension

of the resident educator license or alternative resident educator license or issuance of a one-year

interim license for a minimum of one year. The resident educator shall be required to complete

additional coursework, supervised field experiences, and/or clinical experiences as designated by

a college or university approved for educator preparation.


Upon the recommendation of the college or university and re-employment of the individual as

a teacher, a one-year interim license may be issued, and the individual shall be required to retake

and pass the deficient portions of the performance-based assessment in order to qualify for a

professional educator license.


Continued failure to pass the deficient portions of the performance-based assessment shall

result in a repeat of the process described in paragraphs (D)(2)(c) to (D)(2)(d) of this rule.


Candidates who fail to pass the resident educator performance-based assessment after

following the process described in paragraphs (D)(2)(c) to (D)(2)(d) of this rule may appeal to the

state board of education .













3301.07 , 3319.223 , 3319.22




Prior Effective Dates: 10/28/2011

3301-24-05 Licensure.


A professional educator license, valid for five years, shall be issued to an individual who holds

the appropriate resident educator license; who is deemed to be of good moral character; and who

has successfully completed an approved program of teacher preparation, the Ohio teacher

residency program as described in section


of the Revised Code, and an examination

prescribed by the state board of education. Teacher licenses shall be issued in the areas described

in paragraphs (A)(1) to (A)(7) of this rule: