preparatory schools, and educational centers and facilities are
required to develop and adopt a comprehensive emergency
management plan that incorporates a floor plan, site plan, and
emergency contact information sheet, in addition to protocols for
threats and emergency events. The plan is to be submitted on
standardized forms developed by ODE.
The plan’s development is to include community law enforcement
and safety officials and parents of students and employees
assigned to that building.
The “administrator” is required to submit the plans to ODE, and the
department then submits plans to the Attorney General and the
Director of Public Safety.
Each administrator also is required annually to review the plan and
certify its accuracy to the Department, as well as to update the plan
every three years, whenever major modifications require changes,
or whenever information on the emergency contact information
sheet is not accurate.
Each administrator is also required to conduct at least one annual
emergency management test (defined as “a regularly scheduled
drill, exercise, or activity designed to assess and evaluate an
emergency management plan”).
Local law enforcement, the fire department, emergency medical
organization, and the county emergency management agency are
to afforded access to the school for training purposes but outside of
regular school hours. The building administrator must be present
during such training sessions.
Any administrator who is an applicant for a license or who holds a
license from the State Board of Education is subject to disciplinary
action related to licensure if the administrator fails to comply with
the requirements related to such plans. (The state superintendent
can exempt an administrator from the emergency management plan
requirements if the requirements do not apply to the schools under
the control of the administrator.)
Prior to the opening day of each school year, a board of education must
inform each student enrolled in the school and the student’s parents of
the parental notification procedures included in the protocols for
addressing serious threats and for responding to emergency events.
The emergency protocol notification is part of the emergency
management plan, which must be updated every three years.
These sections of law govern the procedures whereby a district may
access the Emergency School Advancement Fund through which it
may secure a loan to remove a deficit that will be incurred in the
General Fund by the end of a fiscal year.
If the board has adopted an annual appropriation, it may, “by general
resolution, authorize the superintendent or other officer to appoint
janitors, superintendents of buildings, and such other employees as are
provided for in such annual appropriation resolution.” This applies to
city, exempted village, local, and vocational education planning (by
inference, see Section 3311.19) districts.