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cost of AP or IB exams, which the student can be required to pay.


A board of education may accept by resolution bequests, gifts, and

endowments provided the conditions do not remove any portion of the

public schools from the board’s control. This restriction appears to

apply most specifically to the district’s General Fund since a board is

permitted to have special trust funds (for example, for scholarships) and

accept gifts into those special trust funds for a specific purpose.




Boards of exempted village, city districts, and governing boards of

ESCs shall prescribe a graded course of study. Required subjects are

described in this statute.

Any school district shall permit the parent of a child to “promptly”

examine (with regard to that parent’s child) any of the following: any

survey or questionnaire (prior to its administration); any instructional

materials being used by the district for that child; any completed and

graded test or survey or questionnaire completed by the child; and

copies of the statewide academic standards and model curricula.

Copies of the academic standards and model curricula “shall be

available at all times during school hours in each district school




The graduation rate is the ratio of students receiving a diploma to the

number of students who entered ninth grade four years earlier.

Students who transfer into the district are added to the calculation, while

those who leave the district for reasons other than dropping out are

subtracted from the calculation.

A former dropout who returns to the district is entered into the

calculation as if the student had entered ninth grade four years before

the graduation year of the class that the student joins.

The four-year graduation rate is the number of students graduating in

four years or less with a regular high school diploma divided by the

adjusted cohort for the graduating class (number of students who

entered ninth grade four years earlier, as adjusted by admissions and


The five-year graduation rate is the number of students who graduated

in five years divided by the number of students in the adjusted cohort for

the four-year graduation rate.





Formerly known as Ohio’s “core curriculum,” the “curriculum

requirements for graduation (the term replacing “core curriculum”) are

the courses which students must complete in order to be eligible for a

diploma (in addition to passing required assessments).

Appendix T

contains separate fact sheets covering such items as specific subjects

as graduation requirements, diploma criteria, and graduation

requirements for the class of 2014 and beyond.

With regard to the required courses identified in

Appendix T,


who enter ninth grade for the first time on or after Juiy1, 2015 and who

are pursuing a career-technical instructional path may take a career-

based mathematics course in lieu of Algebra II.

For students entering ninth grade on or after July 1, 2017, at least one-

half credit in the study of world history and civilizations will also be

required for graduation.

Each high school is also required to incorporate the academic content
