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keep an immunization record for each pupil and make it available in

writing to the parent or guardian.

The board’s obligation is to adopt a policy requiring that the

immunizations be completed or “in progress” within fourteen days of

admission. If not, the child is to be excluded. Certain exceptions

regarding statements that the child has had a particular disease (and

thus has natural immunity) will satisfy the law, as will statements

declining “for reasons of conscience, including religious convictions. An

additional exception is provided when the student’s physician certifies in

writing that the immunization is medically contraindicated for that


Districts are responsible for submitting to the director of the Ohio

Department of Health by October 15 of each year a summary by school

of the immunization records of all initial entry students.

Effective with the 2016-2017 school year, immunization against

meningococcal disease (meningitis) will also be required. The Ohio

Department of Health is required to specify the recommended age for

this immunization and the approved method for administration.




If a license holder fails to submit to the background check by a date

specified by ODE, the state superintendent shall send a written notice to

the license holder to advise that the license will be “inactivated” if the

person does not comply with the background check within fifteen days

of the mailing of the notice. The inactivation remains in effect until the

person submits fingerprints and written permission for the background


If a person holds more than one license, the following schedule will


If a person holds multiple licenses of different duration, the person is

responsible for the background check only when renewing the license

of the longest duration.

If a person holds multiple licenses of the same duration but with

different expiration dates, the license holder designates one of the

licenses as the “primary” license and notifies the department of

education of this selection. The department of education can request a

background check for the renewal of all of the licenses expiring on the

same date.




The Board may appoint a superintendent “Pro Tempore” in accordance

with a written policy establishing standards for determining whether the

current superintendent is incapacitated. The determination of incapacity

and appointment of the “pro tem” superintendents requires a majority

vote of the members of the board.




A board of education may propose to voters either of two types of

income tax issues, which can either be for a limited period of time for up

to five years or for a continuing period of time.

The actual rate is established by the Ohio Department of Taxation based

on the funds which the board by resolution seeks to raise. The tax rate

is always rounded to the nearest quarter of a percent. The resolution

seeking the actual rate must be filed with the tax commissioner no later

than 100 days prior to the election when the issue will be decided by

voters. Within ten days, the commissioner must certify the rate for the
