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The TSCG signatories also agreed under Art. 5, in cases of excessive deficit

procedure under the TFEU, to put in place budgetary and economic partnership

programmes, subject to endorsement by the Council of the EU and the European

Commission (hereinafter as the “Council” and the “Commission”). Further, Art. 6

TSCG stipulates ex-ante coordination of plans to issue new debt (reporting to the

Council and the Commission) and Art. 7 TSCG commits Contracting Parties to


“the proposals or recommendations submitted by the European Commission

where it considers that a Member State of the European Union whose currency is the euro

is in breach of the deficit criterion in the framework of an excessive deficit procedure


unless a qualified majority is opposed to the decision proposed or recommended.

Art. 9 TSCG then foresees strengthened coordination of economic policy and

Art. 11 TSCG provides for discussion of all plans for major economic policy reforms.

It is worth mentioning that the Fiscal Treaty also established the jurisdiction of

the CJEU, albeit a limited one and based on Art. 273 TFEU (so called ‘arbitration



The CJEU thus has jurisdiction, under Art. 8(1) TSCG, to assess compliance

of the Contracting Parties with the obligation to transpose the ‘balanced budget

rule’ under Art. 3(2) TSCG into their national legal systems. The action can be

brought only by a Contracting Party, based either on its own finding or the report

by the Commission. In case of failure of a Contracting Party to comply with the

Court’s judgement stating deficiencies in implementation, a second action can follow

and the CJEU is entitled, under Art. 8(2) TSCG, to “

impose on it a lump sum or a

penalty payment appropriate in the circumstances and that shall not exceed 0,1% of its

gross domestic product.


However, if the implementation of a ‘balanced budget rule’

is correct and the Contracting Party concerned does not follow it in its domestic

budgetary procedure, the CJEU has no jurisdiction to review such breach, and other

mechanisms (under the TFEU excessive deficit procedure) must be used.

Furthermore, as far as the quasi-institutional arrangements are concerned, the

signatories agreed in Title V, Art. 12 TSCG to hold at least twice a year informal

Euro Summit meetings,

which bring together Heads of State or Government of

the Eurozone, along with the President of the Commission and the President of

the European Central Bank. According to Art. 12(1) TSCG, the President of these


“shall be appointed by the Heads of State or Government of the Contracting Parties

whose currency is the euro by simple majority at the same time as the European Council

elects its President and for the same term of office.”

The Euro group is responsible for

the preparation and follow up of these meetings. As to the agenda of the summits,

they should deal with questions relating

“to the single currency, other issues concerning

the governance of the euro area and the rules that apply to it, and strategic orientations for

the conduct of economic policies to increase convergence in the euro area.”

It is important


Art. 273 TFEU stipulates: “

The Court of Justice shall have jurisdiction in any dispute between Member

States which relates to the subject matter of the Treaties if the dispute is submitted to it under a special

agreement between the parties



The lump sum or penalty imposed is payable to the ESM in the case of euro area Member States.