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CYIL 5 ȍ2014Ȏ

favorable of the MAI or those investor-state agreements prevailed. If a decision were

taken to pursue either the second (procedural) or third (substantive and procedural)

approach, there would be subsidiary questions, the most important being the scope

of coverage. Should the provision apply broadly to all investor rights under investor-

state agreements? If not, should it be limited to, for example, distinguishing between

rights arising under essentially commercial agreements (presumably excluded) and

those under which a state is acting as a sovereign (presumably covered) – a distinction

which may be difficult to make in practice; or enumerating or defining categories of

covered rights, such as those arising out of investment agreements and authorizations

on which an investor has relied. The Group examined the strategic choices and issues

thoroughly, in the time available, and clarified their implications. Given the range

of views, the Group did not elaborate draft provisions for inclusion in the MAI.

However, it agreed to provide the above-mentioned provisions to aid in understanding

the basic choices although these texts were not examined by the Group and did not

represent specific recommendations.



The review of jurisprudence and comments could lead to the idea that the

umbrella clause would – as per the principle of

pacta sunt servanda

– be a very effective

way of protecting investors through internationalization of investment agreements



used appropriately and consistently interpreted, despite the performance level, which

can be the wording itself of the umbrella clause by its users


The decisions of investment tribunals could illustrate that there is continuing

disagreement amongst some tribunals as to the precise scope and meaning of

umbrella clauses. Basically, this uncertainty may be the result of nuances in the text

of each treaty, which underscores the importance of reading the text very closely

when evaluating the strength of potential contract-based treaty arbitration. The

umbrella clause can potentially be a powerful tool for foreign investors in the event

of a contractual dispute with a host state. It is essential, however, for investors and

corporate counsel to stay abreast of continuing developments in the jurisprudence

and to seek expert guidance where appropriate.


Many countries, during the negotiations BITnegotiation of BITs, work with

different variations of words that can accommodate the English term “commitment”

or very complex wordings such as those stipulated in Article 8 of the US Model

BIT 2012, which. This Article provides that “(1)

Neither Party may, in connection

with…an investment of an investor…in its territory, impose or enforce any requirement


See “Report of The Drafting Group Concerning the Protection of Investor Rights Arising from Other

Agreements”, DAFFE/MAI/DG1(96)1/REV1, 18 March 1996,

available at:



Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP, Ethan G. Shenkman, D. Jason File, Developments in

Investment Treaty Jurisprudence, 2003-2008: Arbitrating Contract Claims Under Umbrella Clauses,

Chapter 1,

available at:
