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Business description

The investment team is organised by sector and has specialists

in areas such as Business Development, Financing and Investor


Bruno Candelier

(47) joined Apax Partners in 2001 and was

appointedpartner in 2011. He is themanager of Retail &Consumer

investments. He started his career in 1996 as a junior consultant

then senior consultant at McKinsey & Co. in Paris, London and

Johannesburg. He is a graduate of the Ecole Nationale des Mines

in Paris and also holds an MBA from INSEAD.

Monique Cohen

(61) has been a partner at Apax Partners since

2000. She is responsible for Business & Financial Services

investments andalsoheads up theBusinessDevelopment activity.

She began her career at Paribas where, after several years, she

became head of Equity Capital Markets and then Senior Banker.

At BNP Paribas she was Global Head of Equity. Ms Cohen is a

director of the Safran and BNP Paribas groups and a member

of the Supervisory Boards of JCDecaux and Hermès. She was

also a member of the Board of the AMF (Autorité des Marchés

Financiers) from 2011 to 2014. She is a graduate of the Ecole


Franck Hagège

(42) joined Apax Partners in 2004 as a member

of the Retail & Consumer team. He began his career in 1998 as

a management consultant with A.T. Kearney where he worked

on strategic and operational assignments for major groups and

investment funds for five years. He also worked for one year at

NetsCapital where he was involved in M&A transactions in the

telecom and media sectors. Mr. Hagège is a graduate of HEC

Business School.

Eddie Misrahi

(62) joined Apax Partners in 1991 as a Partner in

charge of investments in TMT. He has supported the growth of

young, innovative companies ormoremature companies through

growth financing and buyout transactions. He became Deputy

Chief ExecutiveOfficer of ApaxPartners SA in2007 andChairman

and Chief Executive Officer of Apax Partners MidMarket in 2010.

He startedhis career atMcKinsey&Co. inParis then inMexicoCity,

before working at a US telecommunications group in the United

States. He was president of the AFIC (Association Française

des Investisseurs pour la Croissance) for financial year 2007/08.

Mr. Misrahi is a graduate of EcolePolytechnique andholds anMBA

from Harvard Business School.

Bertrand Pivin

(56) joined Apax Partners in 1993 and was

appointed partner in 1998. He specialises in the Business &

Financial Services and Healthcare sectors. He began his career

as an R&D engineer at Alcatel in France, and was subsequently a

project manager at Alcatel Network Systems in the United States

where he supervised development projects for North American

Telecom operators. He is the partner in charge of responsible

investment policy at Apax Partners MidMarket. He is a graduate

of EcolePolytechnique andTelecomParis Tech, andholds anMBA

from Harvard Business School.

Gilles Rigal

(58) joined Apax Partners in 2001 as a partner and

specialises in theTMT (Technology, Media andTelecom) sector. He

began his career as an entrepreneur, founding IGL, a software and

IT services company that he sold five years later toThales. He then

joinedMcDonnell Douglas InformationSystems, wherehebecame

divisional director, thenSystar, an international software company

based inFrance, where hewas in turnGeneral Manager for France,

Europe and for worldwide operations. In 1995, he joined BMC

Software, the world’s fifth-largest software company as General

Manager France andvice-president ofmarketingand reseller sales

for Europe, the Middle East and Africa. He has an engineering

degree fromENSEEIHT (Toulouse) and a graduate degree (DEA)

in robotics from the University of Toulouse.

Thomas de Villeneuve

(44) joined Apax Partners in 2001 and

was appointed partner in 2008. He specialises in investments in

the TMT sector, and started his career with the BostonConsulting

group, where he primarily worked in the media and telecom

sector, both in Paris and in New York. Mr. de Villeneuve holds a

degree from HEC Business School.


Apax Partners LLP is a London-based management company

that is 90% held by its 19 equity partners and 10% held by three

sovereign funds (GIC, CIC and Future Fund). The 19 equity

partners have on average 23 years of professional experience

and 15 years of seniority at Apax.

The investment team is composedofmore than 100professionals

based in eight officesworldwide (London, NewYork, Munich, Tel-

Aviv, Mumbai, Shanghai, Hongkong and São Paulo).

The staff are organised in four global sector teams – TMT, Retail &

Consumer, Healthcare, Services – andwork in close collaboration

with executives from:

theOperational Excellence team(14people)whoprovidedirect

support to management teams to accelerate value creation;

the Digital team (composed of executives who also have roles

in sector teams and Operational Excellence team), who focus

on pure digital investing and provide expertise to the four

investment sectors;

the Capital Markets team (3 people), who create innovative

financing solutions for portfolio companies.

The strategy and operations of Apax Partners LLP are led by

Co-CEOs AndrewSillitoe (London) andMitch Truwit (NewYork).


(44) is co-CEOof Apax Partners and a Partner in

the Tech & Telco team. Andrew is also amember of the Executive,

Investment, Approval, Portfolio Review and Exit Committees. He

has been based in London since joining the firm in 1998 and has

focused on the technology & telecommunications sectors in that