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Business description

Committed and responsible investors

To manage its portfolio, Altamir relies on the services of Apax

Partners France and Apax Partners LLP, which are major players

of sustainable financing for companies.

Apax Partners France employs 45 people, of whom 25 are

investment professionals, and Apax Partners LLP employs 200

people, of whom about 100 are investment professionals spread

among eight offices around the world. These professionals are

recruited according to criteria of excellence (


, prestigious

universities, MBA and international experience). The two

companies enjoy a strong reputation and are recognised as

leaders who attract the best talent. Their employment policy is

instrumental in developing the loyalty of the staff andmotivating

them, and includes: good working conditions, competitive

remunerationpolicy compared tomarket practices and incentives

(profit sharing and bonuses based on fund performance),

individual and group training programs, formalised evaluation

process, career development, and internal promotion.

The direct environmental footprint of the two management

companies remains limited; both have conducted carbon

assessments, however, which helped to heighten awareness and

establish some initiatives (for example, Apax Partners France

finances projects that aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

as a way to offset its own carbon emissions).

At the business level, both management companies have always

made sure that best practices were implemented within the

companies inwhich they are shareholders, especiallywith regard

to governance (alignment of interests of shareholders and the

management team, composition of the Board, independence

of directors, Audit Committees, etc.). They have also excluded

certain business sectors (such as weaponry and tobacco) from

their investment universe.

For several years, they have each taken the additional step of

formalising anESG (environmental, social andgovernance) policy

with thegoals ofmaking the companies’ performance sustainable

and thereby optimising the creation of value.

ESG policies

Apax Partners MidMarket and Apax Partners LLP signed the

PRI (Principles of Responsible Investing) in 2011, committing

themselves to integrate the responsibility criteria into their

management and investment policies



The two companies have the dedicated means to lay out and

manage their ESG action plans: Apax Partners MidMarket has

a partner responsible for defining the ESG policy and an ESG

manager toput it inplace; Apax Partners LLPhas a “Sustainability

Committee”, and the portfolio companies have installed data

collection software.

Apax Partners MidMarket and Apax Partners LLP integrate ESG

criteria at every stage of the investment cycle:

before an acquisition,

they conduct ESG due diligence to

identify risks and opportunities to create value;

throughout the investment period,

they create a road map

and implement ESG reporting in order tomeasure the progress

achieved throughout the term of the investment;

upon exit,

they conduct due diligence so as to assign a value

to the company’s ESG performance.

Since they are most often majority or lead shareholders across

the funds they manage, the two companies have the ability to

influence companies’ strategies, and can help them implement

and deploy their ESG policies. In this way, Apax Partners France

influences about 15 companieswithmore than50,000employees,

and Apax Partners LLP about 30 companies with more than

150,000 employees.

The two management companies communicate the information

they collect and process to their investors through biannual

reporting on the performance of the funds and the companies in

the portfolios. A summary is communicated to a wider audience;

it is available online at


. Apax

Partners France publishes a Responsibility section on itswebsite,

in which it presents its ESG policy, the actions and initiatives of

its portfolio companies and a HR report on all companies in

its portfolio (changes in staff and payroll, HR policies). Apax

Partners LLPpublishes a dedicated “SustainabilityReport” which

also describes its ESG policy and provides an overview of the

environmental, social and governance data collected from the

portfolio companies.

Both companies participate actively in industry discussions and

contribute to thedevelopment of thesepracticeswithin theprivate

equity profession. For example, Apax Partners MidMarket is a

member of the steeringcommitteeof theAFIC’s ESGcommission.

Moreover, in 2015 it united with four other private equity firms to

launch Initiative Carbone 2020 aimed at tackling climate change

by committing to measure, manage and reduce the greenhouse

gas emissions of its portfolio companies.

They figure among themost advanced private equity companies

in this field and the most widely recognised by the financial

community. Apax Partners MidMarket received the very first “GP

Responsible InvestingAward” fromPantheon in 2012, and in 2015

and 2016 obtained an A+ (the highest grade) for its overall ESG

approach in line with the PRI assessment report. Apax Partners

LLP was awarded the “2015 Responsible Investment Award” by

the British Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (BVCA)

for its work in the ESG arena and its commitment to its portfolio
