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Company management and governing bodies









of partners with very different rights and responsibilities:

a general partner with unlimited liability for the Company’s

debts and whose rights are not freely transferable. Only the

general partner appoints or dismisses the managers of the


limited partners (or shareholders), whose liability is limited

to the amount of their contributions and whose rights are

represented by freely transferable shares. These shareholders

are further divided into two categories:

holders of ordinary shares, who have voting rights enabling

them to elect a Supervisory Board, whose role is to monitor

the management of the Company,

holders of Class B preferred shares, who do not have voting


Collective decisions therefore require the approval of the limited

partnerswho holdordinary shares (and vote at General Meetings)

and that of the general partner. However, the appointment and

dismissal of Supervisory Board members are under the sole

authority of the limited partners holding ordinary shares, while

the appointment and dismissal of theManagement Company are

under the sole authority of the general partner. The appointment

and dismissal of Statutory Auditors and non-voting Board

members, the distribution of dividends for the year, and the

approval of regulatedagreements also fall under the soleauthority

of the limited partners holding ordinary shares.

Collective decisions modifying the rights of limited partners

holdingClass B shares are subject to the approval of these holders

of Class B shares at a Special General Meeting.

The Management Company has the broadest powers to act on

behalf of the Company in all circumstances. In its dealings with

shareholders, theManagementCompanyhas thebroadest powers

to carry out all ongoing management activities. Specifically, the

Management Company is responsible for identifying, evaluating

and deciding the Company’s investments and divestments. To

carry out his or her responsibilities, the Management Company

may call upon the experts or advisors of its choosing, such as

Apax Partners SA (the “Investment Advisor”), who will advise

the Company on its investments and divestments but will not

have the power to take decisions on behalf of the Company.

The relationship between the Company and the Investment

Advisor is governed by an investment advisory contract and

a co-investment agreement, the terms of which are approved

pursuant to Article L. 226-10 of the French Commercial Code.




The Company’s general partner, who is also its Management

Company, is Altamir Gérance, a French public limited company


société anonyme

) with share capital of €1,000,000 and the Paris

commercial registry number 402098917, whose registeredoffice

is located at 1, rue Paul-Cézanne, 75008 Paris (France).

As previously noted, the corporate name Altamir Amboise

Gérance was changed to Altamir Gérance in 2013. Articles 1 and

15.1 of the Articles of Association were amended to reflect this.

The Management Company’s functions are not limited in time.

During the Company’s existence, the general partner has sole

responsibility for appointing the Management Company.

A Manager’s functions are terminated upon death, disability,

prohibition, receivership or liquidation, removal from office,

resignation or upon reaching the age of 75.

AManager’s removal fromoffice is decidedby thegeneral partner.

If the Manager is also the general partner and loses the status of

general partner, he or she also loses, automatically and without

any further procedure, the status of Manager.

Altamir Gérance has a Board of Directors whose five members

contribute their experience as private equity professionals and

corporate chief executives: Maurice Tchenio (Chairman & CEOof

Altamir Gérance, co-founder of Apax Partners), Peter Gale (Head

of Private Equity and Chief Investment Officer at Hermes GPE

LLP), James Mara (previously Sr. Managing Director at General

Electric Asset Management), Eddie Misrahi (Chairman and CEO

of Apax PartnersMidMarket SAS) andRomain Tchenio (Chairman

and CEO of Toupargel Groupe SA).

Peter Gale

– (60) is head of private equity and Chief Investment

Officer at Hermes GPE. He is responsible for private equity

investment decisions and for all aspects of Hermes GPE’s

private equity investment process. He leads the co-investment

programme anddecisions onallocationand strategy for individual

client portfolio construction. He has 33 years of investment

experience, including 24 years in private equity. Mr. Gale is a

member of the Hermes GPE Management Committee and Chair

of the Private Equity Investment Committee. Previously, he was

Managing Director and CIO of the Hermes GPE predecessor

organisation, Gartmore Private Equity. Prior to this Mr. Gale was

Investment Manager of the National Westminster Bank Pension

Fund (later known as the RBS Group Pension Fund), responsible

for all investments, and initiated both the private equity and co-

investment programmes. He was a director of HgCapital Trust

(formerly Mercury Grosvenor Trust plc) for 23 years. Peter holds

a MSc in Economics from the University of Oxford and a BA in

Economics from the University of Exeter.