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Company management and governing bodies


A new procedure incorporating the new provisions applicable

as a result of the reform of market abuse and audit reform, and

the most recent AFEP-MEDEF Code recommendations, were

submitted to the Board on 2 February 2017 and approved by the

Board at their meeting of 6 March 2017. The changes concern:

the Audit Committee’s new powers to appoint Statutory

Auditors and approve services other than the certification of

financial statements;

thedefinitionof independence for SupervisoryBoardmembers;

the change in rules related to the possession of privileged

information and to the disclosure of securities transactions.

It covers the following areas:

role, composition and operating procedures of the

Supervisory Board and Audit Committee;

evaluation of the Supervisory Board and Audit Committee;


obligations of Supervisory Board members;

adaptation, modification, reviewandpublication of theRules

of Procedure.

The Rules of Procedure are available on the Company’s website.


The Supervisory Board established an Audit Committee in 2003


Besson (the Chairman), GérardHascoët (independent member),

and Marleen Groen (independent member). However, at the

Supervisory Board meeting on 2 February 2017, Gerard Hascoët

announced his desire to stepdown fromhis function as amember

of theAudit Committee. TheBoard acknowledgedhis resignation

and appointed Sophie Etchandy-Stabile, an independent Board

member, as a member of the Audit Committee, with immediate

effect, to replace Gérard Hascoët.

Consequently, the Audit Committee is now made up of Jean

Besson (Chairman), MarleenGroen, andSophieEtchandy-Stabile,

all competent in financial and accounting matters. Two of the

three are considered independent according to the Afep-Medef

Code criteria.

Marleen Groen is an experienced company executive, and

specifically recognised as competent in matters of finance and

accounting. She has nearly 30 years of experience in financial

services, including 18years in theprivate equity secondarymarket.

Before becoming Senior Advisor at Stepstone, Ms Groen was

Principal Founder at Greenpark Capital Ltd (a leadingglobal mid-

market private equity secondaries firm).

Mr. Besson has more than 12 years’ seniority in his position.

According to the Afep-Medef Code criterion requiring less than

12 years of seniority, he cannot be considered to be independent.

Nevertheless, the Supervisory Board recognises that in practice

Mr. Besson demonstrates independence. He is considered

qualified by virtue of his chartered accountant qualification and

experience as a CFO and Chairman of an IT services company.

Sophie Etchandy-Stabile began her career with Deloitte before

joining Accor in 1999 to head the Group’s Consolidation and

Information System Department. In 2006, she was appointed as

GroupController-General, supervising the consolidation process,

international Finance Departments and the Financial Control,

Internal Audit, GroupHoldingCompany andFinancial Back-office

Departments. In May 2010, Ms Etchandy-Stabile was appointed

Chief Financial Officer and member of the Executive Committee

of AccorHotels. She was appointed Chief Executive Officer of

HotelServices France on 1 October 2015, and Chief Executive

Officer of HotelServices France and Switzerland in January 2017.

The role of the Audit Committee is detailed in the Supervisory

Board’s Rules of Procedure.



Altamir’s SupervisoryBoardhas decided tomeet as aNomination

and Remuneration Committee at least once a year to examine

issues related to remuneration of theManagement Company and

themembers of the Board, and the composition of the Board and

the Audit Committee.

TheBoardmet for the first timeas aNominationandRemuneration

Committee on 2 November 2016 and discussed several items,

including in particular:

the introductionof a hurdle rate for co-investments beforeClass

B shareholders are paid any carried interest. This issue will be

includedon the agenda for theCompany’s next Annual General

Meeting of Shareholders;

a review of the impact of lines of credit on the calculation of

management fees.

These issues were the subject of a detailed presentation to

the Board, which verified that they are in compliance with the

provisions of the Articles of Association.

A second meeting was held in February 2017, to review the

management succession plan and change the composition of

the Audit Committee. To reflect the recommendations of the

AFEP-MEDEF code regarding Audit Committee independence

and Board member tenure, Gérard Hascoët resigned from the

Audit Committee, while remaining a member of the Supervisory

Board. The Board acknowledged his resignation and appointed

Sophie Etchandy-Stabile, an independent Board member, as a

member of the Audit Committee.