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Company management and governing bodies

To the best of the Company’s knowledge and at the time this

Registration Document was prepared, there was no conflict of

interest between theManagement Company’s or the Supervisory

Board members’ duties towards the Company and their private

interests or other duties.

To the best of the Company’s knowledge, there are no family

ties between the members of the Company’s management and

supervisory bodies.

To the best of the Company’s knowledge and at the time

of preparation of this Registration Document, there are no

arrangements or understandings with major shareholders,

customers or suppliers pursuant to which a member of the

Supervisory Board or the Management Company was selected

in that capacity.

To the best of the Company’s knowledge and at the time of

preparation of this Registration Document, the members of

the Supervisory Board or the Management Company have not

acceptedany restrictions on thedivestment of their shareholdings

in the Company.

To the best of the Company’s knowledge and at the time of

preparation of this Registration Document, there was no service

agreement between themembers of theSupervisoryBoardor the

Management Company and the issuer or any of its subsidiaries

that provides for benefits upon termination of said agreement,

other than the service agreements mentioned in this document

and theManager’s remuneration as described inArticle 17.1 of the

Company’s Articles of Association (section 2.2.2).




The Company’s Articles of Association stipulate that the


management and decides on the allocation of net income to be

proposed to shareholders. The Management Company consults

theSupervisoryBoardon theevaluation rules applying toportfolio

companies andanypotential conflicts of interest. Anyamendment

to the co-investment agreement between theCompany andApax

Partners SAmust be authorisedby the SupervisoryBoard, having

reviewed the Management Report, by a two-thirds majority vote

of members present or represented (Article 20.4 of the Articles

of Association).


The composition and role of the Supervisory Board are described

in Articles 18 to 20 of the Company’s Articles of Association and

summarised below:


the Company has a Supervisory Board with 3-12 members.

Its members are selected from among the shareholders

who are not acting in the capacity of general partner, legal

representative of the general partner, or Manager. The term of

themembers of the Supervisory Board is two years (Article 18).

Nevertheless, shareholders voted at the Ordinary General

Meeting of 29March 2012 to amend the Articles of Association

to allow the appointment of one or more Supervisory Board

members for a term of one (1) year, for the sole purpose of

implementing or maintaining staggered terms for Supervisory

Board members;

no individual over the age of 70 May be appointed to the

Supervisory Board if that person’s appointment would bring

the proportion of members over the age of 70 above one-third

(Article 18);

in the event a seat becomes vacant due to death or resignation

of one or more members of the Supervisory Board, the Board

may appoint a temporary replacement within three months of

the date the vacancy occurred (Article 18);

the Board appoints an individual from among its members to

act as Chairman. In the event of the absence of the Chairman,

the oldest member of the Board fulfils the Chairman’s role

(Article 19);

the Supervisory Board meets at the request of the Chairman

or the Management Company. Notices of meeting may be

communicated using any means establishing proof of notice

by commercial standards at least five days prior to themeeting,

unless the Board members unanimously agree to a shorter

period. The Manager must be invited to meetings and may sit

inonSupervisoryBoardmeetingswithout the right tovote. One

or more non-voting members appointed by the shareholders

may also attend Supervisory Board meetings in an advisory

capacity (Article 19);

the Supervisory Board may not take decisions unless at least

half of its members are present or represented (Article 19);



Jean-Hugues Loyez is Chairman of the Supervisory Board. The

other members of the Supervisory Board are: Marleen Groen,

Sophie Etchandy-Stabile, Jean Besson, Gérard Hascoët, et

Philippe Santini.

The members of the Supervisory Board are:

Jean Besson

Sophie Etchandy-Stabile

Marleen Groen

Gérard Hascoët

Jean-Hugues Loyez

Philippe Santini

For the purpose of their appointment, the members of the

Supervisory Board are domiciled at the Company’s principal

office: 1, rue Paul Cézanne, 75008 Paris (France).

MarleenGroen, SophieEtchandy-Stabile, Jean-Hugues Loyez and

Philippe Santini are considered to be independent according to

the criteria of theAfep-Medef Code applied by the Company and

described in the report of theChairman of the SupervisoryBoard.