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Report of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Organisation and operating procedures

of the Audit Committee

In2016, theAuditCommitteemet four times toverify theCompany

financial statements and review the internal control procedures

implementedby theManagement Company. The attendance rate

at these meetings was 100%.

In fulfilment of its duties, which primarily consisted in reviewing

the statutory and consolidated financial statements, analytical

cost reports, portfolio company valuations and management

report, the Audit Committee met with the Statutory Auditors

and Finance Department at the end of each quarterly financial

reporting period. It also met with PCI, the Company undertaking

internal control on behalf of the Apax Partners management


The Audit Committee’s work covered each of the items listed in

Article L. 823-19 of the French Commercial Code and the 22 July

2010 report of the AMF working group chaired by Mr. Poupart-

Lafarge. This entailed overseeing:

theprocedure forpreparing financial information,withparticular

attention to the valuation of companies in the portfolio;

the effectiveness of the internal control and risk management


the audit of statutory and consolidated financial statements by

periodically interviewing auditors on their work, in particular

on their audit of how securities are valued;

the independence of Statutory Auditors.

The Committee systematically reviewed:

statutory financial statements;

IFRS financial statements;

analytic dashboards;

valuation rules;

monitoringof theperformanceof portfoliocompanies (EBITDA,

debt) as the underpinning for their valuation using peer-group


the correct application of internal control procedures by Apax

Partners SA for the portion of its business activity that consists

in providing investment advisory services to Altamir.

The Committee regularly reported its findings to the Supervisory


In 2017, the Audit Committee will continue to meet each quarter

before the accounts are closed for that period. It will take all

assignmentsmentioned in laws and regulations into account. The

Audit Committee can request:

a presentation from the Statutory Auditors underlining the key

points from the legal audit and accounting methods chosen;

a presentation by the CFO on the Company’s financial results,

risks and significant off-balance-sheet commitments;

informationon the selectionprocedure used to renewthe terms

of the Statutory Auditors;

a meeting with the Statutory Auditors, CFO, and head of


a meeting with internal audit and risk control managers,

advice from external experts.

Organisation and operating procedures of

the Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Altamir’s SupervisoryBoardhas decided tomeet as aNomination

and Remuneration Committee at least once a year to examine

issues related to remuneration of theManagement Company and

themembers of the Board, and the composition of the Board and

the Audit Committee.

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee met for the first

time on 2 November 2016 and discussed the following items:

the introduction of a hurdle rate on co-investments due to

shareholders before payment of any carried interest to Class

B shareholders. This issue will be included on the agenda for

the Company’s next Annual General Meeting of Shareholders;

a review of the impact of lines of credit on the calculation of

management fees.

These issues were the subject of a detailed presentation to

the Board, which verified that they are in compliance with the

provisions of the Articles of Association.

A second meeting was held in February 2017, to review the

management succession plan and change the composition of

the Audit Committee. To reflect the recommendations of the

Afep-Medef Code regardingAudit Committee independence and

Board member tenure, Gérard Hascoët resigned from the Audit

Committee, while remaining amember of the Supervisory Board.

The Board acknowledged his resignation and appointed Sophie

Etchandy-Stabile, an independent Board member, as a member

of the Audit Committee.


Attendance fees pertaining to 2015 and paid in 2016 totalled

€260,000 (allocated€260,000). Theywerepaidaccording to the

allocation rules approved by the Supervisory Board on 4 March

2014, as follows:

40% unconditionally (fixed portion);

60% depending on attendance (variable portion):

if themember attendsmore than 80%of themeetings: 100%

of the variable portion,

if themember attendsbetween50%and80%of themeetings:

a pro rata amount based on attendance,

if the member attends less than 50% of the meetings: no

variable portion.

Thus, the variable portion of attendance fees has a heavier

weighting than the fixed portion in accordance with the Afep-

Medef Code recommendations.